
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

UMNO Youth No 1 - Mukhriz Mahathir, Khir Toyo & KJ to clash?

I am surprised Malaysiakini hasn't published this yet, but according to Utusan Melayu, Mukhriz Mahathir has announced he will be going for the UMNO Youth Chief post in December when UMNO re-assembled for the party elections, provided of course, he said, that current Youth Head Hishamuddin Hussein won't be defending that office (that is, if Hisham moves for one of the VPs).

Mukhriz was very diplomatic in saying: "Saya belum buat keputusan. Saya kena tunggu dahulu bos saya, Datuk Hisham, untuk menyatakan jawatan apa yang beliau akan bertanding." [I haven't made up my mind; waiting for my boss, Hisahmuddin, to say whether he will be defending his post]

But he was less diplomatic when asked who he believes should be the party's president besides Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Mukhriz replied that the most important issue would be to allow the party members the right to choose (elect) and then added “Secara peribadi saya cenderung (sokong) kepada Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.” [my personal preference is Najib]

With this announcement, Mukhriz is of course sending a message to KJ, "See you at OK Corral!"

But ex SElangor MB and new blogger Khir Toyo has also announced his intention to go for the Youth No 1 post too.

When informed of Mukhriz intention and whether he would be giving way to the MP from Jerlun, he stated that in accordance with the party's constitution, Mukhriz needs first of all to receive the nominations of at least 20% of UMNO Divisions.

Hmmm, sounds rather bureacratic which could be an invitation for us to analyze what was the subtext of Khir's statement? Was he taunting Mukhriz?

Khir also didn't agree with Mukhriz that AAB should be discarded as the president because that won't solve the party's problem. He said the voters' support swung over to the opposition because of their dissatisfaction over a number of issues, for example distribution of wealth and education.

Looks like Mukhriz has a challenger in Khir, but what about KJ? Cat caught SIL's tongue? Interesting times ahead.


  1. As far as I'm concerned, the Expired-Medicine Salesman, "Botox" Toyol, Ku Li, Keris-Hisham, Kurang'Jar, are all the same scum from the same sewage tank.

    Mukhriz is probably the more decent of the lot, but he has to do the leg work for his father, the expire-medicine Salesman. Guilt by association.

  2. Mukhriz? He is just a shameless opportunist. Just like the dinosaur Ku Li.

    If this were my family and we had just experienced a tragedy, the right response would be for the family members to re-assure the head of the house, our support for him or her.

    Much like the people of Britain who coalesced together in the face of Hitler's aggression. This is what makes a great nation. Doing the right thing when the time calls for it.

    For UMNO to heal quickly, this is the time to line up behind its duly elected PM. The alternative is a rapid distingeation, courtesy of Mahathir's legacy, and now its torch-bearers Mukhriz and Ku Li.

    Lest it be forgotten, the Malaysian people also have a say in the life of UMNO. At the ballot box.

    Its shelf-life is therefore not necessarily dictated by the loud empty voices & opinions of two persons.

  3. Give them a pistol each for a shoot-out with the last one standing declared not as the winner, but as the killer, and led straightaway to the hangman's noose. Then Malaysia would be a very much more peaceful place

  4. The SIL?

    "Pride goes before a fall"

  5. that's biadap....

    he should "beratur" after hisamuddin and najib ..

    wait, aab resigns, najib becomes pm, hisamudin become deputy and mukriz become upno youth (and later menteri edukesyen)

  6. Actually, the best qualified peson to contest amno youth head is Anwar (KT's defacto nemesis) heheh

  7. he is a bit more ambitious than just that hehehe also

  8. From the way the rakyat had voted, it is denitely saying it wants to see a different Malaysia., one where all receive equal treatment and enjoy equal opportunities in education, job allocation and in business.

    Politicians, from the past and present, contributed to the polarisation in this country. The rakyat, has to share equal blame for passively allowing the politicians to do their destructive acts.

    Now that the rakyat has decided to reverse this trend, the politicians must cooperate. They must now stop saying things and acting in manners that stir racial sentiments and drive schism into the different communities.

    The rakyat, must through their acts and statements, set examples for the politicians to follow. They must be prepared to demand change from them, be bold enough to correct, reprimand and chastise them through all channels available.

    The writer takes things too personal when she says "some people reacted as if ethnic cleansing had just taken place". It's surprising such remark came from her. The rakyat is just reacting happily to the outcome of the election, happy to see the birth of a 2-party system of government. It's just a normal human expression of exuberance. If, a modern and educated, and, supposedly 'open-minded' individual, can react like this , there isn't much hope of the nation seeing itself as truly one!

  9. UMNO is like a sinking ship burning all the ammunition in it as its heads slowly and steadily towards a rock. It will hit the rock, and all the evil souls in it - right from the bodohlah, madhatter, Muhammad(2)Taib, Khir Toyo, muhyiddin, Najis, right down to KJ and Mukhriz - will sink together with it. This would be God's punishment for their evil and unforgivable deeds to this beautiful country which they are turning into another Zimbabwe or Congo.

    Malaysia is about to enter its Year Zero to begin a new era. God bless Malaysia as He curses UMNO and all its evil souls.
