
Monday, April 14, 2008

Second class MCA citizens, second class Star

Malaysiakini reported today in MCA disappointed with crown prince's remarks that the MCA is unhappy with Kelantan Crown Prince for demoting non-Malays into sub equal status vis-à-vis Malays, basically as second class citizens.

This is two days after I had posted Kelantan Crown Prince 'slapped' non-Malays in face!.

Ong Ka Ting said: "For the past 50 years, the various races have worked hard together to attain the goals of nation building, for which they have also contributed vastly to the country's development. As such, they too have equal rights as enshrined in constitution," said the leader of the second biggest partner in the ruling BN coalition."

That was reported, as I mentioned, in Malaysiakini.

But alas, in the Star Online there was no such report! None whatsoever.


Maybe the MCA feels it may not be wise to let its supporters read about an UMNO leader playing the racist cards again. The UMNO leopard sure never changes its spots, and neither has the Star.


  1. Earlier this morning after reading ‘Rise & fall ..... & rise of ethnocentric politics’
    I was about to comment that, maybe MCA through Wong, was testing the ‘no criticism’ rule within BN in view of the new political situation. However, your latest post confirms that it is same old, same old as far as MCA is concerned. Gutless lah. . . . . . even after being insulted and demoted to second class. WTF, even party president’s public statement cannot print in party paper ah ?

  2. The Prince is one ignorant bugger. Sad we have such foolish Prince.

    Pls. visit for honest & direct comments about this topic.

  3. Dont blame the Star.Its OKT's instruction not to print.OKT is good at controlling the press. He is known as 'the national editor'.Apart from controlling the press, okt is good for nothing.

  4. The Star staff did have a full story prepared, but the report was spiked at the highest levels, I'm told.

    The powers that be couldn't figure out how to spin it...yuck...

  5. Ya, WTF bloody racist dumb dogs sitting at the feet of UMNO.

  6. Come on folks. It is printed in the STAR. Read carefully.

  7. what to do?

    totally... useless YMCA!

    If not they wont be kicked out!

  8. Kittykat, "The powers that be couldn't figure out how to spin it...yuck..."

    Must've had an attack of Kura Kura pullback!
