
Friday, April 04, 2008

Blind to double standards

Double standards!

Blame, curse, damn Dr M for his actions. Yet excuse his former (pre 1999) deputy ;-), a UMNO's former leader too.

Dr M is a hypocrite when he proposes democratic reforms. Yet his former deputy who proposes the same stuff is God’s gift to Malaysian political reforms.

Dr M should be damned for eternity, yet his former deputy should be forgiven and accepted as the latter has ‘learnt’!

Worse, when his former deputy indulges in frog hunting, there were even excuses quickly rustled up to justify that shameful attempt to undermine the ballot box. Oh, for Brahma, jettison due democratic process as necessary. Small wonder Karpal Singh was so repulsed and revolted by those tactics/intentions.

Dr Mahathir has not been an angel, but one has to acknowledge the good with the bad - look at his achievements - si monumentum requiris circumspice (if you seek his memorial, look around you)

As for his former deputy, I heard when he was Finance Minister, a new one sen (or was it two sen) coin was released.

There were more but suffice to show that what’s good for the goose is obviously not good for the gander.



  1. There is difference between the PM and his Deputy in Malaysia. Everyone knows that in Malaysia, the PM has the absolute control and nothing is proposed, passed and financed without his approval, liking and support. So the pack stops at his door.

    Concerning the big projects, development is not about spend spend spend and debts debts debts. What project that he undertook that generates recurring benefit to Malaysia?

    cyberjaya? putrajaya? proton? KLCC? PERWAJA? hundreds of TOLL? Bakun? damn…just name me 1 please, I am really hard-pressed now. All these are in billions of petro dollar…..the return?

  2. Mahathir's monuments ?
    That was my grandchildren's (and yours and yours) money which he spent lah...

  3. Oh give it a rest man!
    Yes anwar was a UMNOnista who must take respoibility for a lot of the ills of this country. Even for promoting the mind numbingly idiotic Bahasa Baku he has a lot to answer for.

    But why oh why do you have to engage in this constant character assassination by repeadly harping on his past merely to bismirch his current stance.

    The big difference between Anwar & Mahathir the latter's lack of repentence. Why can't you just accept that people can change & move on? Even if he had buggered your in an unbuilt condo in Bangsar in 1997, your bunghole would have healed by now no?

  4. If you blame Anwar for working with Mahatir, can't we blame everyone else as well? Your example is very shoddy.

    Blogger Aisehman says resurrect Mahatir to save UMNO. He has many reasons:

    "Wait, wait, I know … how about Umno recall Mahathir?

    I mean, this is a time of great crisis, right? A most extraordinarily turbulent period in the party’s history; so extraordinary that it calls for extraordinary measures.

    And who more extraordinary than the Vanquisher of Royalty, Destroyer of the Judiciary, Master Designer of the Twin Towers, Patriach of Putrajaya, Scourge of Moronic Speculators, Pegger of the Currency, Deposer of Deputies, Smiter of Sexual Deviants, Father of Development, Saviour of the Malaysian Nation, Crutchmaker of the Malay Race, Overlord of Umno, Uber Melayu, Da Man, Da M, … (drumroll) … Doctoooooor Emmmmmm!

    Old Man, would you like your old job back?"

  5. At least Anwar apologised but Mahatir says go to hell. Even toddlers don't buy that sill, feudal and egoistic culture. The projects you talk about are not Mahatir projects though he benefited from them. He spent my own salary as a worker. I'm the one who has financed them, yet I see them as nothing more than showy, tall buildings that signify nothing.

  6. "Dr M is a hypocrite when he proposes democratic reforms."

    Maybe I've been living on a different planet, but pray tell me, what kind of democratic reforms has Mahathir proposed ?

  7. anon 3:59 wrote: "Everyone knows that in Malaysia, the PM has the absolute control and nothing is proposed, passed and financed without his approval, liking and support. So the pack stops at his door."

    You are absolutely right. Look at what we have today, there is corruption, cronyism, failure, recession, nepotism in all sectors, backsliding and many more diseases. The question is: which minister can come forward and denounce the PM? No. No one! It will never happen. Imagine this is under Abdullah. What about Mahatir? A man who silenced the Kings, judges and shut the media for good? Sir, the example you gave about Anwar's association with Mahatir or any other minister/leader is not fit at all. Desperation shouldn't make you get tired.

    Criticism that's relevant and which is fine is different from the desperate personal inferiority culture you exhibit. Criticism's greatest input is: alternatives. What's your alternative? Simply barking? Crying? You look like a half empty kettle blowing out steam.

  8. We have people who are demanding Mahatir taken to Kamuting and Royal Commissions set for him. We don't have the same for Anwar.

    "Gerak blames Dr M for crisis in the judiciary.

    KUALA LUMPUR: Gerak, an anti-corruption non-governmental organisation, fully supports a probe into Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's alleged interference in the governance system.

    Its chairman, Ezam Mohd Nor, said Dr Mahathir was to be blamed for the crisis in the judiciary, police and Anti-Corruption Agency.

    He said putting the blame on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was illogical.

    "His (Abdullah's) administration did not create our mess overnight. He inherited the system from his predecessor.

    "To move forward as a nation, we must rectify the deficiency in our system by looking at the root cause and attacking it head-on."

    He said the proposal to establish a royal commission to overhaul the system on the appointment of judges was welcomed to avoid corruption.

    Ezam said a recent statement in a local newspaper by former United Nations special rapporteur Datuk Param Cumaraswamy showed how Dr Mahathir was complicit in damaging the governance system.

    He said based on former ACA director-general Datuk Shafee Yahya's testimony in the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sodomy trial in June 2000, there was sufficient evidence to investigate Dr Mahathir for abuse of power and interference of justice.

    "If the ex-president of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, can stand trial for abuse of power and corruption, so can Dr Mahathir," he said.

    Ezam, a former key associate of Parti Keadilan Rakyat adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, resigned from all party posts in February last year due to political differences with the top leadership.

    Param had said Shafee had testified before the then High Court justice Ariffin Jaka in Anwar's trial in June 2000 that the former prime minister had ordered him to close a file.

    He said Param produced the records of the trial as "sufficient evidence" to show that Dr Mahathir had interfered with the duties and responsibilities of the ACA.

    He also said several parties had later, in the interests of justice, lodged police reports over Dr Mahathir's alleged interference in the ACA's probe."

  9. Ktemoc, we face different issues which need attention and solutions. If you harp on a person which in your case resembles lunacy, I will say you are simply lunatic. Malaysians are not concentrating on individuals, we are moving to collective responsibility and decision making and issue handling not character annihilition. So you need to look for new accomplices to buy your theme if you want to win over anyone.

  10. Where got double standards ? same same mah ...

    Both also devil lah - Dr Mahathir the bigger devil and Anwar a reformed devil.

    So rakyat now think, since already reformed - give lah a second chance.

    A reformed devil will have the ammunition to handle the last of the living devils as he was previously living in the devil's kingdom.

    Like that?

    P.S. same like it takes a thief to catch a thief

  11. Thanks Gan, you have proven my very point ;-)

  12. I love Robert Mugabe....never met a dictator I didn't like..

  13. Jeepers! AI bashing again! Doesn't really do you justice.

    Much as I would like to listen to your views objectively, I have to conclude you are really, quite prejudiced against that man.

    If I may paraphrase one of he statements by one of the commentators in this post - "which planet are you living on, KT?"

    Your comparisons between old man M and AI are really quite inappropriate. I
    It is somewhat like comparing apples and oranges. Too simplistic.

    You must have written the article too hastily. Not enough thought. Not quite like you. You are losing it man ...

  14. man you really got a bone to pick with Anwar!

    anyway, i think you contradicted yourself a bit-le.

    In your opening you say "Blame, curse, damn Dr M for his actions. Yet excuse his former (pre 1999) deputy ;-), a UMNO's former leader too."

    In your 2nd last para you say "As for his former deputy, I heard when he was Finance Minister, a new one sen (or was it two sen) coin was released. - isnt this your tacit acknowledgment albeit a wee sarcastic to say Anwar in actual fact have not done much - for example involved in the monumental waste of tax payer monies building the ghost town putrajaya?

    then naturally Mahatir will be blame-ma... anyway, in history it is always the numero uno who will have to either get the credit or the shit... they are after all the final decision maker.

    remember truman famous words - the bucks stop here!

  15. Criticism is meant for improvement and alternatives not base bashing and cheap deranged personal shots that seems to be coming from a drowning fellow. Therefore, it is interesting that you attack someone and then ask us to compare. No wonder you are still missing the point. When you want to address people and get their attention, you have to know why do you want to address them? In other words, giving them viable alternative or improving the one we have while sustaining that option. In this, case you don't know whom you are addressing, no wonder everyone is simply telling off based on your prejudice. Appealing to others to consider your opinion doesn't come in the teeth of personalised affair. That's for you alone. Mind you, everyone who writes here something is not a PKR supporter or Anwar supporter. There are values that are dear and so easy to understand that everyone appreciates when it comes to criticism, alternatives and comparisons. Definately, you miss them. So don't lash at everyone saying PKR PKR PKR. Some are PKR members, some DAP, some PAS, some UMNO, many independents. Some apolitical. It is a question of moral authority and genuine criticism; elements you lack.

  16. Thinking of the yesteryear, isn't it show Anwar a good subordinate to Mahathir?

    Nevertheless, Anwar are so deep in the subordinate stuff, he has no new idea how to do things right inside BN camp.

    Anwar didn't growth when he switch from PAS to UMNO. Did he growth wise when he is in jail? All his movement will reveal the truth.

    We will see.

    I think MCA are scare of PR :
    Now MCA are near death in Perak after Perak MB announce permanent land deeds for Chinese Kampung baru and various Malay settlers.

    If Anwar second man, Khalid Ibrahim announce opening of new vernacular school, MCA are doom.

  17. I for once have high hope in Anuar to create a better Malaysia.I know that he was once no different than many other UMNO racist, in fact he was an 'ultra racist'among them(borrowing LKY's term)equally as 'early' Dr Mahathir but nevertheless, the hope is his imprisonment and the time he spent in solitude would have made him wiser and better leader. (After all, he was not imprisoned becauzse he fought for his pinciple or for rakyat, but internal power struggle witin UMNO). Anyway,as some comments stated above, we have to have hope and entrust Anwar to lead to Pakatan Rakyat as a "reformed" leader. (Thats the best way to read PKR's "reformasi")

    On different note, for many silent readers, the PKR fan boys makes it disgusting by days in 'overly' defending Anuar and elevating him as the 'saviour' of Malaysia. They are planted everywhere in net. The image making and myth building exercise on Anwar by his supporters will eventually backfire and reduce Anwar's effort to mere propoganda. I urge the 'propoganda unit of PKR',stop it or else it will backfire. Kindly don't reduce the efforts by Pakatan Rakyat to propoganda. The rakyat is more clever than we thought and the recently concluded election is the prove. Siva

  18. agnos

    You got it. "The buck stops here."

    It is enjoyable that Mahatir is all over the place calling AAB all sorts of names for one reason: take the blame you alone for BN's failureM and that someone here says we should blame Anwar for the brutal regime of Mahatir and his ills. What a lunacy! No wonder I don't see anyone appreciating you. Dear, Mahatir is saying AAB should take blame. He too, should take the blame for whatever that has gone awary with this nation. Can't you understand that simple principle Mahatir himself is raising?

  19. anon 6:34

    I think you miss the point here. No one is defending Anwar and he doesn't feed anyone here. Everyone has his own life. Me too read what the people wrote here: they are simply against prejudice and perpetual hostility which hides itself in the name of criticism. I think to criticise someone is something noble, it makes you better and your compare notes and do something different. However, that's different from what Kaytee does here. He talks to people through character bashing and inherent language of hate, but always laments that his views are not taken into consideration. No. That's not the truth. We need to understand what constitutes criticism, how does it come, whom does it address, how and why. Then, I think we can go on from there. Before that, people will be hitting back not that they support or love Anwar but that they refuse to be belittled with fables, innuendos and illogical reasoning that all comes sealed in a language of prejudice and hate. There is no fool here or anywhere else. If you take people as such, you will have to live with that ignominy. It backfires.

  20. Kaytee - I accept your thanks but my take is slightly different from yours lah, I give the reformed devil a second chance.

    However, for you - a devil is a devil - no chance of redemption.

    P.S. However, you seem quite kind to the bigger devil. In that case, why can't you spare a little kindness towards a reformed devil?

  21. KayTee, your obsessive derangement syndrome with Anwar is really going overboard. Judging from the number of naysayers to this indulgence/fixation of yours, it appears that your aspiration of becoming a prophet of Doom isn't receiving much endorsements. Crying wolf is not a favored past time(it's so out of season!) but a stale encumberance to your own tattered credibility. :D

  22. You are praisning goon Mahatir and people want him taken to Sungai Buloh. That's interesting. Your reasoning here is illogical. Anyway, enjoy this.

    Karpal wants A-G to go after Dr. M

    KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — DAP chairman Karpal Singh has called on Attorney-General (AG) Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail to direct investigations into reports lodged against former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for alleged interference in the administration of justice.

    He said that at the trial of former deputy prime minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) director-general Datuk Shafee Yahya had testified before High Court judge Ariffin Jaka in June 2000 that Dr Mahathir had ordered him to close a file.

    Karpal said several police reports had been made against Dr Mahathir over the allegations.

    "If Shafee's allegations against Dr Mahathir were true, the former prime minister should not be spared the long arm of the law as there was no limitation period when it comes to criminal prosecution," he said in a statement issued today.

    "The AG should immediately direct investigations into the reports against Dr Mahathir. If it is found that Dr Mahathir was implicated in the allegations against him, then he should be charged for obstruction of a public servant in the discharge of his public duties. This, clearly, constitutes an offence under Section 186 of the Penal Code."

    Karpal also said he supported the call by former United Nations special rapporteur Datuk Param Cumaraswamy and the Civil Movement against Corruption (Gerak) chairman Mohamed Ezam Mohd Nor yesterday that Dr Mahathir be prosecuted for the alleged interference in the administration of justice.

    Ezam had said that based on Shafee's testimony, there was sufficient evidence for Dr Mahathir to be investigated for abuse of power and interference of justice.

    "The fact that Dr Mahathir was the prime minister at that time compounds the position as he, being the head of the government then, should not have ordered Shafee to close the file," said Karpal. — Bernama

  23. Mahathir started all these shits in Malaysia when he was the PM eg dismantling the integrity ,credibility and independence of the judiciary; all the corruptions; abuse of power; trampling of democracy; crackdown on dissidents; cronyism ;nepotism etc etc.......

    Remember how cunning he was when he agreed to appeals by "Suqiu" just prior to 1999 GE to win Chinese votes but branded them as communists and extremists when
    BN was returned to power by Chinese votes.
    He too unashamedly admitted that the ploy to agree to "Suqiu" appeals was merely to win votes.

  24. Mahatir soon will be in Sungai Buloh. AAB has started giving out secretly Mahatir's letters to his accomplices. One such letter is the one he has sent to Ehud Barak.

    Or follow it here:

  25. I look around and see a state-led economy built on credit.

    Really, credit where credit due, but it is incorrect to say that Mahathir was the force behind our economy during his tenure. Note that he did funnel billions into black holes of waste in the state-led heavy industrialisation that was modeled more on Soviet collectivist industrialisation than anything else.

    Furthermore, I tell ya, a lot of people are very much as wary against Anwar as they are against Mahathis. I find it patently unfair for you to generalise us with your strawman which only vilifies Mahathir but exalts Anwar.


  26. Spot on, KT! It's very worrying that these people are banking their hopes and trust on Anwar. So much for his boasts of racial equality! Just take a look at the current Selangor EXCO lineup!
    Mahathir was no angel, but neither was Anwar. And an apology made by Anwar(where? when?) during an election moment is like telling a hooker "I love you" during orgasm. I sympathise with what he has gone throgh, but he is no Nelson Mandela. Give him more time to prove his worth before you treat him like a do-no-wrong-say-no-wrong god!
    When he fully fulfills his election promises, then I will be the first to admit I was wrong.
