
Saturday, January 19, 2008


Abomination would be the word to use after you have read and contrasted two alleged corruption cases.

A week ago I posted
What's missing in Malaysian politics?, based on what I read in Malaysiakini about Visit Malaysia Year - The 'Korean scandal'.

In the Malaysiakini article it was alleged that director of Tourism Malaysia (TM) Seoul Abdul Mutalib Awang and TM North Asian regional director Ramzi Abu Yazid had abused their powers of management to embezzle funds meant for promoting Malaysia as a holiday destination to South Koreans - and mind you, with the whistleblowers furnishing Malaysiakini with documentary evidence.

I also read that Ramzi was promoted after the disgraceful revelation.

And I predicted that in accordance with Malaysia Boleh Standard Operating Procedures, no action would be taken.

Oh, did I mention that in my post I read that Tourism Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor was allegedly aware of the irregularities but chose not to act on the alleged scandal, and that furthermore he and his family went on a skiing trip with Mutalib’s family when the Minsiter visited South Korea a few weeks ago - all those cosy chummy co-skiing even after he knew about the serious allegations of corruption against Mutalib.

Today I read, again in Malaysiakini, that Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, an interested party implicated in the alleged irregularities, said an
internal probe carried out by his own ministry showed that there were no irregularities on the conduct of Mutalib and Ramzi.

Doesn’t this Minister know of the principle of governance called ‘conflict of interest’?

This is PM AAB’s Islam Hadhari in action where his ministers have developed hides as thick as a Centurion tank, and with no sense of (or nonsense about) accountability.

Meanwhile, Malaysiakini tells us that
Police probe alleged misuse of Hindraf funds. This indicates that the government intends to flog Hindraf leaders until Indian Malaysians’ morale improves.


  1. its best way to build friendshiop, aint it, by having holidays together.chummy friends between eusoff and lingam? no, because lingam only tag along throughout the journey?
    now, our favourite tourism minister must be ready with the same tag along or bump into each other tag. hey, these fellas are too cosy with each other. dont expect the tourism minister to say anything else. eh, ACA investigation? depends who the accused are?

  2. If BN continues to govern Malaysia, corruption and racism will definitely continue to be part of the culture of Malaysia. Malaysia with its vast resources and riches will be raped and plundered by the selfish elected ministers. Ultimately Malaysia will go bankrupt and the poor rakyat will suffer the most economically in terms of higher cost of living with a very low wages/income.

    If the government is fair and clean in its dealings, poverty can be eliminated and income disparity can be improved.

    We need a CLEAN AND FAIR government in dealings with our judicial issues, in giving a fair treatment to all rakyat(all races), in upholding justice and human rights and in matters pertaining to the wellbeing of the rakyat of all races and in leading Malaysia to be a progressive nation.



  3. Previously, we could associated corrupt practises with white elephants, under utilised sport centres, toll-gates, etc. But now, they are not even careful to put up such pretenses...just plain taking the cash and smile. This cancer is getting worse now. w9

  4. let's make it a slogan - A vote for BN is a tacit acceptance for the past 50 years of rape and plunder of the Nations wealth and an agreement to allow the continuation of such acts for the next 50 years more.
