
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lingam video - AAB tap dancing

From Malaysiakini - PM AAB emphatically said NO to any royal commission of inquiry to probe into the ‘Lingam video’ controversy.

He wanted the Police to verify the authenticity of the video clip first. Then he contradicted his rejection of the call for a Royal Commission when he declared that the police would speed up their investigation on this matter as the video clip could cause public anger and create distrust against the judiciary.

Hellooooooo – the people also don’t trust the police! So you get one of your troops to investigate another, just like the ACA investigating into the IGP’s alleged corruption and the Police investigating into the former boss of the ACA’s corruption - all very cozy - and just how would that convince the people you have done the right thing.

It’s like me asking my favourite uncle to give me a reference for a job.

Then AAB's real message came through - he warned that action would be taken against those who reported the video clip if allegations made against persons involved in the clip were untrue.

Bet you the video clip will be found to be untrue, or best case scenario, too circumstantial. Then there'll be a police investigation into the person who provided the video clip to Anwar Ibrahim.


  1. kaytee,

    can you find a bookie to accept your bet. I am on with you too. dont mind accepting lousy odds too coz its sure money!

  2. So now we have the Dubious Duo of IGP Musa Hassan and AG Abdul Gani Patail leading the 'investigations' into Lingamgate.

    Past precedent suggests that they will soon be joined by the Dastardly Double of Johari Baharom and Nazri Aziz in order to persecute - i mean prosecute - the scandal surrounding the CJ and senior judiciary. At the top of the pile of course is Dr. No Royal Commission.

    Doing the math, that gives us a Questionable Quintet in charge of ensuring law and order in this country.

    Hurrah for Pak Blah, we're saved!

  3. 100 to 1 odds that the tape will be confined to the dustbin of Malaysian Hall of Shame! Not enough evidence to pursue further!

  4. According to people who meet with VK Lingam regularly, the person in the Video is DEFINITELY him, complete with bouncing paunch.

    The voice on the video is clear enough to establish for sure if it was him. Voice fingerprinting is a well established technique in many countries around the world.
    The only remainding doubt would be the identitity of the person Lingam is talking to.

    But like many people, I don't trust the police to investigate this regularly.

  5. What can we say? our PM, instead of saying "I will punish those who are involved in this judges fixing if the tape is confirmed to be true" he said the other way.

  6. Once again Abdullah Badawi missed a golden opportunity to do good to the Rakyat and the country. Once again this incompetent fool, in the haste to show he’s tough, clearly demonstrates that his priority is not the welfare of the Rakyat but to safeguard his position. He's the worse PM this country ever had, a sad tragedy to us all.

  7. Trust me this case will fade away just like others, BN will try all sorts of tricks to make sure rakyat forget this...Look at Auditor General's report scandal, PKFZ and etc. With Lingam case, AG report scandal and other scandals now becoming matter of a past, no response from respective Ministry, almost zero news in the BN controlled media for the past few days. Maybe some rakyat almost forgotten the case due to Lingam tape or soon there will be another news/matters trying to cook-up by BN govt make Lingam case cool-down and subsequent evaporise in rakyat's mind.

  8. It is truly strange he didn’t take the same “investigate first” stance re the “burning flag” flag photo!
    That photo has since been proved to have been “doctored” ala the “table for three” photo.

    They are not concerned about the welfare of the rakyat.

  9. For AAB to admit that the Lingam video clip is true is to commit political harakiri in the coming GE. That's why he'll sell his own mother/wife to make sure that the truth is concealed, i.e. the whistle-blower silenced for good.

  10. Remember when his son was alleged to have obtain massive governt contracts to enrich himself? He said he will ask his osn to file him a report. Of course his son's report wont reveal much of what was alleged. He took it that whatever will be reported by his son was gospel truth.
    Similarly when the police say that the video clip is a doctored job, he will accept it as the truth.

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  12. I am the judge jury and the executor Malaysian style. Whatever happened to our country. We need a lawyer as a prime minister.Someone with brains, someone who studied in a very good University where you cannot buy the degree. Only they know that separation of powers is vital for the nation's wellbeing. Most of the cronies will sell their mothers and sisters for money and power and they will sell malaysia too.
