
Monday, September 24, 2007

Law Minister drove Lim Kit Siang into making a joke

I take back what I have said previously about the DAP and its leader, Lim Kit Siang. Several months ago I posted DAP - where sex romp is like snowflakes in hell regarding doctored photographs showing several Perak DAP leaders engaged in sexual acts.

Obviously the alleged pornographic photos were mischievously achieved by superimposing the faces of some DAP leaders on those of actual tiger men and/or tigress women.

I pooh-pooh-ed the very idea of DAP politicians being engaged in such salacious acts. Then I had commented:

Frankly, if anyone had asked, I would have told him/her that DAP members (at least those real dedicated ones) won't indulge in such salacious acts. They aren't the people with that kind of attitude or inclination.

I even suspect that one of the criteria for joining the DAP, or more exactly, to become a DAP leader, would be for one to be completely serious, minus humour, or the sort of easy humour that you and I would normally possess.

When one is without humour, it would usually be more likely that one would be a prude as well - characteristics that may well resemble those of early fundamentalist Protestant values.

As I had once remarked when the DAP 'retreated' recently to Cameron Highlands for their strategic planning (for the next general election) they were unlikely to be playing mahjong or pa' kau. Yes, they are like that.

I imagine everyone there was dead serious, and the only thrill or excitement they might have been driven to would probably be, just as a KTemoc imagined example ;-), when they discovered a missing comma on the text of the distributed agenda.

But I have been wrong because Lim Kit Siang actually made a joke – yes, a JOKE - as reported by Malaysiakini.

This happened after Law Minister Nazri told the media that still-in-hibernation CJ Ahmad Fairuz had contacted him to deny that he was the other party in the Lingam video-taped telephone conversation.

Lim said he was not prepared to believe Nazri’s
denial on behalf of the embittered bunkered-down CJ. Lim asked where’s the proof that the CJ had actually denied that he was the person lawyer Lingam was talking to in the controversial tape.

Lim reminded us that a mere 24 hours earlier the CJ, Ahmad Fairuz, had in ‘black-and-white’ written to Malaysiakini to give, in keeping with the 'Fairuzian' economy policy on judicial written judgement (like no written judgement at all( even in cases involving capital punishment), a two-paragraph ‘No comment’ response.

Being Lim KS, Lim didn’t actually said the next few words in exactly the way I have written them, but kaytee extemporizes on his behalf:
“Nazri, stop bullsh*ting!”

Then, this was where Lim Kit Siang actually made his joke ;-).

Lim asked:
“How is Nazri sure that it was Ahmad Fairuz who had spoken to him by phone and not an impersonator?”

;-) I love it!

It seems that while Nazri drove the final nail into coffin of judiciary's independence he has at the same driven Lim Kit Siang into the even more unimaginable, cracking a joke.

Keep it up, Lim Kit Siang, you're at last putting some humour into your humourless party.


  1. YB Mr. Lim Kit Siang has a distinct way of expressing himself in parliament. Its the most original. Though it may be dry of humour, he tried his best to drive home his point. The problem he is facing is The Speaker of The Dewan Rakyat who would turn down every one of his attempt to bring to debate all the topics that seems to be detrimental to the government. With that kind of hurdles facing him, I dont even expect YM Mr. lim KS to be able even to smile what more to crack a joke.
    How I wish the DAP could reflect a more multi-racial party rather than a Chinese party with sprinkle of Indian members.

  2. Yes, the cat is out of the bag.

    The Chief Justice reports to the Prime Minister's deparment.

    That's a good poodle...sit when I say sit.
