
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Banana leaf war?

Seditious SMS-ing (no, this time not initiated by the Mufti of Perak), marginalised Malaysians, even 'forgotten' Malaysians, dengue fever killing 75 ... etc

Now, as if those weren't enough bad news, malaysiakini has alerted us to another annoying happening

It seems that an email by an anonymous writer, calling himself MJH, has warned Muslims not to patronise Indian restaurants because of the Hindu practice of sprinkling komiyal and bibuthi (both of yucky bovine origin) on the premises of newly-acquired property for purification purposes, blessings, and to ward off evil.

MJH also claimed that some Hindu-owned restaurants that practice the rite serve cuisine usually associated with Indian Muslim restaurants and use Malay-sounding names in order to 'confuse' and bring in Muslim customers

Wah, Hindu nak tipu buah mamak ka ... according to the Gospel by MJH lah.

MJH claimed to be a 'director' of 'Public Relations and Media Communications' division of the Muslim Consumers' Association of Malaysia (PPIM).

He (MJH) even said:
"It is not the intention of PPIM to incite hatred among the various racial and religious communities in Malaysia."

Of course not, silly, it's just a matter of agama (religion or in the Malaysian context, Islam).

Indeed, MJH declared that the motto of "Muslim businesses come first" should be "our practice."

... and why should we be surprised!

When contacted, PPIM spokesperson Noor-Nirwandy Mat Noordin denied the group had ever issued such a statement or e-mail.

Noor asserted: "We do not even have such a division for 'public relations and media communications."

He was annoyed that the association's name had been used without authorisation, but that PPIM will not be lodging a police report on the matter.

Why, that’s nice – best policy is to just ignore that bovine rubbish, more commonly known as 'bullsh*t'!

Oh, talking about PPIM or the Muslim Consumers' Association of Malaysia, I seem to recall that its secretary-general, Maamor Osman, asked for the film Evan Almighty to be banned because he considered it as an insult to Islam.

The film was of course a comedy so naturally it’s scripted to be funny, but Maamor alleged the film
pokes fun at God and the Prophet Noah.

But all’s well that ended well because Cultural Minister Rais Yatim torpedo-ed - hope Noah (pbuh) would excuse me, pun not intended - that proposal.

One sweet lady ;-) reminded me that the PPIM were the ones who complained about the ice cream cookies which purportedly had a cross on them. Ah, vigilant Islamic warriors - hmmm, I wonder whether those cookies were made by Christians or Hindus

PPIM has now somehow gained a naughty foothold on my recollection of such events that have been associated with intrepid but imprudent Islamic intolerance - oh dearie dearie me.

But thank goodness, it’s obvious they weren’t responsible at all for the latest email bullsh*t. Indeed, how dare that naughty MJH had dared misuse the PPIM’s name for a seditious act to incite either religious ill feelings or commercial sabotage of Hindu catering business.

Aiyah, too much blogging and suddenly I feel hungry and ready for banana leaf kari nasi lah! And maybe an ice cream cookie as dessert, and then a movie?


  1. Yes, PPIM is the same group which last year alleged that Wall's popular Moo ice-cream was proselytizing Christianity because there was a Cross symbol on the biscuit wafer.

    Really loony group, but don't underestimate their potential influence because they don the "Islamic Guardian" mantle.

  2. kaytee, what better way to thump their nose by doing exactly the opposite and have a yummy meal with ice cream as desert thrown in. thats merdeka, rite?

  3. Plain stupid act by MJH.

  4. Malay are a confused lot, they will happily eat at any Indian restaurants, but why they will never enter a Chinese restaurant, beats me
