
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Meanness = opportunity lost!

So Mukhriz Mahathir was forced to eat crow and swallow back his (in fact correct) words that there was nothing ‘new’ in AAB’s address to the recent UMNO general assembly. Mukhriz had even commented spot on that the issue of rampant graft wasn't emphasized (and AAB then had the gall to lament post-assmebly that the UMNO forum regrettably didn’t discuss corruption)

And how far should the son of Dr Mahathir be further humiliated, and undoubtedly humiliating the Grand Ole Man himself?

More, it seems.

The Star Online had diplomatically reported Hishamuddin stating the Mukhriz case was closed but Bernama has a different piece of news.

UMNO Youth under its chief Hishamuddin wants Mukhriz to front up to AAB himself and ‘explain’ what he had meant by his remarks when he commented on AAB’s opening address.

More genuflection may be demanded, more whimpering pleas of forgiveness would be a ‘minimum’ expectation.

But the ‘smallness’ of AAB has been his statement that he is ready to meet Mukhriz Mahathir to hear his explanation.

If he had said, ‘look guys, whatever Mukhriz had said, I listened with an open mind, and I don’t begrudge a young man from saying what he had to say. I consider the matter closed and we UMNO people will now be working together to focus on making the 9MP a success so as to benefit the rakyat (people)’, just imagine how his stature as a senior statesman and as the new open-minded moderate UMNO president would have been?

But alas, AAB has again allowed a golden opportunity to slip from his grasp, missing a god-given chance to be the superior statesman on higher moral grounds than his predecessor. Instead he signalled his meanness.

He said: “I had left it to UMNO Youth to decide what it wanted to do. Whenever they need my cooperation, I have no problem cooperating with them."

Yeah, I bet.


  1. Since when should it be a crime to say a speech was nothing new and then made totaly unacceptable make a big hoo haaa out of that ,YES that is patetic of other fellow politiciens to fight for ,those DEMANDING AN OPOLOGY really should have a career check ,SEND THEM FREE NAIL POLISH,SHOE POLISH WAX POLISH its so upsetting to read about.And you are absolutely right that PMs reaction is no greater,since when are people no longer allowed to messure a speech? Its unbelievable UNBELIEVABLE WE ARE GOIN BACKWARDS THIS WAY

  2. You wrote:
    "If he had said, ‘look guys, whatever Mukhriz had said, I listened with an open mind, and I don’t begrudge a young man from saying what he had to say. I consider the matter closed and we UMNO people will now be working together to focus on making the 9MP a success so as to benefit the rakyat (people)’, just imagine how his stature as a senior statesman and as the new open-minded moderate UMNO president would have been?"

    That's what I call wisdom and sound advice! So, my dear KTemoc, if you are not interested in entering politics for yourself how about applying to be an advisor to the PM? It's one way where you can bring about a lot of good to the nation and the people. ;)

  3. Lucy, accepted, provided I can get past the SB people who may be already looking for me ;-)
