
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Post UMNO general assembly

Former Raja Bodek (still trying to reclaim his crown) praised AAB for his 'inclusive' closing address at the UMNO general assembly.

AAB smiled silently at the bodek-ing idiot! He understood why 'one' would be needed at every court.

Lim Kit Siang railed at the seditious utterances, knowing in his heart he had to go through the process as the police won't take any action.

AAB smiled silently at the idealistic dreamer! He understood why 'one' would be needed at every 'democracy'.

Gerakan leader Lim Keng Yaik voiced his concerns at the language used during the UMNO general assembly.

AAB smiled silently at the retiring BN component leader! He understood why 'one' should be allowed to grumble as such - which enhances the 'threats'.

Anwar emerged to tell UMNO to stop playing its racist card.

AAB smiled silently at the hopeful wannabe! He understood why 'one' would be needed to heal the 'heartland' by his (AAB) show of tolerance for Malay dissent, provided the dissent is not within UMNO - take f**king note, Mukhriz.

Najib said the NEP has benefitted everyone, including the non-Malays.

AAB smiled silently at UMNO's 'soft' man! He understood why 'one' would be needed in a 'hard man', 'soft man, 'silent man' combination to pyschologically unsettle the opposition.

He (AAB) himself announced that the NEP is no more, having ended long ago, but its objectives remain to be pursued.

AAB smiled silently at himself! He understood why someone must be eating his HEART out by his (AAB) clever sleigh of the hands - NEP no more? Hehehehehe! Don't you wish you had though of the brilliant annoucement?

1 comment:

  1. Normaly someone who smiles at himself alot are consider idiots, in AAB(Aku Aje Bodoh!)'s case, he's a loony.
