
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Perak Mufti unusually meek!

Remember the SMS bullsh*t about alleged massive conversion of Muslims to Christianity in Ipoh? Well, that turned out to be one big fib.

Who the hell would believe such a thing could occur in Malaysia? Obviously some agitated Muslims, because the SMS unscrupulously and provocatively accused that mass proselytizing of Muslims was about to occur at a church.

The government was furious with the sh*t-stirring lie; the police stepped in because there could have been a security problem. Initially the controversial Perak Mufti, Harussani Zakaria was 'solicited' by the police to assist them investigate the seditious hate-mongering on such a sensitive religious matter.

Subsequently the Mufti was reported by newspapers as attempting very desperately to seek an audience with the Sultan of Perak. The newspapers even quoted him complaining that he couldn’t contact palace officials. Reading between the lines in that newspaper I gather he was snubbed by palace officials, or perhaps even the Sultan.

Now the Mufti has named a 40-year old woman as the
originator of that provocative text message. He claimed the woman is a graduate of the International Islamic University, who later studied at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo.

He revealed:
“Upon her return, she joined a missionary group that carried out social work. She later converted to Christianity and now claims to have returned to Islam.”

Harussani also revealed that he (finally) has had an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, to explain his stand on the issue. He claimed:
“The Sultan is happy and satisfied with my explanation.”

Harussani then admitted that the woman in question had sent him an SMS message on Oct 21, providing him with the time and place of the alleged provocative baptism. He asked her to meet him at his house.

He averred that the woman accompanied by her husband visited him a day before Hari Raya, when she brought along compact discs and documents that purportedly disclosed the alleged church baptising of Malay students.

Harussani claimed he handed all the information to the police and the Special Branch for their investigation. What a good citizen!

He said he raised his concerns over the allegations with representatives of Muslim non-governmental organisations at the state mosque here on Nov 2. Hah!

He said: “What I revealed was meant to stay within the confines of the meeting. I did not know that those present would pass the word around. It was never my intention to create chaos. As the mufti (Muslim scholar who interprets Syariah laws), I have the responsibility to remind Muslims of the threats facing Islam today.”

Aiyah, why let such a sensitive cat out of the bag; why not just let the police solve it!
Dear Mufti, weren't you aware that Malaysians cannot keep a secret, even an importnat one?

“I was only carrying out my duty as a mufti to inform the necessary people of the supposed baptism.”

Of course!

But he stressed he had not spread the SMS or told people to protest. No, of course not!

What do you think of his distancing himself from the whole issue, by whistle-blowing on a woman whom he invited to his house, and who, according to good citizen Mufti, allegedly provided him with details of the fabricated conversion.

Considering the government has vowed to punish severely those who were responsible for the hatred-mongering, and that the Sultan might have (just speculating here from reading between the lines in newspapers) snubbed him, well, at least initially, I wonder what's going on?

I must say the Mufti sounds unusually quite frightened or overwhelmed by the whole affair, a strange position for such a normally hardline hardcore hard-headed person.

1 comment:

  1. the mufti was the culprit. he was the one who started the whole thing. why spread a rumour to reps of muslim NGO in a state mosque? surely he can't say what he told them won't get out. i hope the police will charged him!
