
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

He broke Mahsuri's curse! What about UMNO's curse?

Malaysiakini reported that Dr Mahathir said he will not step down from various positions as advisor to government-linked companies and agencies.

The Grand Ole Man told that to Mubarak, a group of former members of Parliament and state assemblypersons, during a meeting at the Perdana Leadership foundation on Monday.

In fact what Mahathir wants is for AAB to sack him – It's a case of "Come & get me if you dare!", the final showdown at OK Corral.

A Mubarak member said: “Mahathir told us that he would prefer to be sacked rather than to resign as advisor to Petronas, Proton and Lada (Langkawi Development Authority).”

As I mentioned in my previous posting, two of the companies that he advises, namely Proton and Lada, were his personal babies. Mahathir was the man who broke the '7 generations curse' of Mahsuri, a beautiful and wronged maiden who lived more than 200 years ago.

She was a victim of malicious accusations that led to her execution. In her dying breath, she laid a curse that Langkawi will not prosper for the next seven generations, which seemed to be true, until Dr Mahathir as the PM turned Langkawi into what it is today.

Mahathir told Mubarrak something I wasn’t aware of, that it was his initiative that led to the formation of Petronas. He only receives a monthly allowance from Petronas, but nothing from Proton and Lada. There is no doubt that all three companies are close to his heart.

It’s unlikely he would ever take the hint to resign as the pro-AAB faction want him to. He wants to see how far AAB dares to go.

However, Bernama, a government mouthpiece, tells the situation with a different slant. It reported that Mahathir saying he will accept whatever decision by the government regarding his status as advisor to several government agencies. He is also willing to adhere to any decision made by the party as to his membership.

This is painting a slightly perspective to the possible but similar outcome of a 'come get me' dare!

He was quoted as saying: “I will also abide (by the decision) if the Umno supreme council wants to suspend my party membership.”

“I will not object. I will abide because all this is their right as the government and party.”

“I'm supposed to attend a function organised by Perkida in Johor today and a function organised by a non-governmental organisation in Baling on Nov 3. But both functions have been cancelled. This shows that I'm becoming more unpopular.”

Bernama also reported him saying he was seriously considering a suggestion by the Kubang Pasu Umno division not to be overly critical of AAB.

We may take it that the above Bernama tale is meant more for UMNO members, to show AAB is in control.

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