
Monday, October 30, 2006

Anwar Ibrahim backs Dr Mahathir's criticisms of AAB

We have so far heard the ‘kami sokong kami sokong’ brigade chirping away like a primary school girls’ choir. We have the Propaganda Minister telling us of a marvellous survey on his staff where all unanimously ‘sokong’ AAB against Dr Mahathir.

Then we have the world’s best known SIL stating he wasn’t affected by the accusations of the former PM, even as he made a big show a couple of months back disposing his RM9.2 million worth of shares, a sum that the ‘heavens’ sometimes bestowed like manna on those with fantastic karma – for example, like if you’re married to a princess or such likes.

Then we have Mr ‘Clean’ breaking his normal elegant silence, to describe Dr Mahathir’s latest round of criticisms as doses of venom. AAB lamented that Dr Mahathir couldn’t even wait for his explanation to the issues that the Grand Ole Man had raised.

Now, step in Anwar Ibrahim, who was asked for his views on the two UMNO top personalities by reporters at the Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house at his residence in Bukit Damansara, KL.

Anwar said that the government should give a rational explanation to refute the allegations raised by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said the government should confine itself to answering the allegations pertaining to the issues and policies raised by Dr Mahathir and not resort to any deviation (meaning evasions, beating around the bush and throwing red herrings), like bullsh*t ‘kami sokong kami sokong’ or SIL gimmickries.

Anwar said modestly: "It is not in my interest to get involved in these two people's feud but there are allegations that involve policies which are serious as ... (they come from)... a prime minister of 22 years. This matter should be discussed and deliberated (by the current administration)."

Hah, ‘enemy of my enemy’!

"(It is) no point for the government to be in a state of denial but give satisfactory answers."

He even averred that Dr Mahathir, as a citizen, has every right to criticise the current administration and this warranted some detailed explanation from the current administration, particularly on allegations pertaining to issues and policies.

"We may not be in agreement with Tun (Dr Mahathir). I do not agree that we should belittle (anyone). I do not believe the solution is in being merciless towards him (Dr Mahathir). I respect the right of Dr Mahathir (to criticise). If there is basis to the statements, the government has to reply."

In other words, Anwar is admonishing the AAB government not to go for the man but the ball. Too many vicious fullbacks with nasty leg tackles!

Anwar said the current administration's replies to Dr Mahathir's allegations were not convincing as "several leaders were merely saying Dr Mahathir should not have criticised the prime minister".

But perhaps that's all they could muster up? Anwar believes that the comflict between Dr Mahathir and AAB won’t be resolved in the near future.

He stated: "The former prime minister has taken a strong position. The issues are not just a matter of a few policies but a major devastating critique at the administration."

KTemoc reckons that Anwar has correctly assessed his (or PKR's) target is the AAB government rather than Dr Mahathir.


  1. Ha! Ha! Ha! Politics make strange bedfellows. Hopefully the Mattress to the Bed currently being made by Anwar would not be stained!

  2. In politics there are no permanent friends or enemies, only interests is permanent.
