
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Marginalisation of Chinese Malaysians - Case for

Here’s the case for the ugly accusation of 'marginalisation of Chinese Malaysians', part of an article by Kim Quek:

Amidst the chorus of angry protests against Singapore Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew’s recent remark that Chinese Malaysians have been marginalised, can the protesters answer a simple question?

If there has been no racial marginalisation in Malaysia, why has the word ‘meritocracy’ been taboo in politics ever since the race riots of May 13, 1969?

This is the only country in the world that has virtually banned the concept.

Other questions come to mind.

Why has there been a massive and unrelenting brain-drain ever since the debacle in 1969, resulting in a countless number of Chinese Malaysians excelling in many fields in foreign lands?

Why has there been a virtual monopoly by one race - numerically as a whole as well as in the top hierarchy - of the entire spectrum of the public sector, namely, the army, police, civil service, judiciary, public universities, semi- and quasi-government bodies, and government-controlled financial institutions and enterprises?

Why has there been, year after year, the spectre of top Chinese Malaysian students being barred from universities, only (for some) to be admitted later upon begging by Chinese ministers in the cabinet?

No doubt Lee may be faulted for lacking diplomatic niceties, but he has spoken the truth. And I think every Malaysian irrespective of race knows that, at least in the deepest part of his heart.

Yes, we have been practising racial discrimination, which is a zero-sum game. When race A is barred so that race B can get in, it is one side’s loss to another side’s gain. It is sheer dishonesty and hypocrisy to deny that any race has suffered disadvantages as a result of this policy.



  1. In this article Kim Quek argued that the NEP is zero sum game. Its not. Its actually a negative sum game that it actually brings everybody less than what they can be.

    The evidence is actually pretty clear but not obvious to layman. If you look at Malaysian productivity over decades its actually zero. We actually have grown by pumping resources whether its natural, labour or just money. Especially in the 1980s and 1990s where global productivity was rising dramactically, the fact that we have not had productivity gain means the policy makes us less than what we should be.

    A simpler way to look at this is Singapore where productivity gain was only better late 1980s and in the 1990s after the government give up some control. The fact of that our percapita income growth has not kept paced when Singapore has only done a reasonable job especially when our resources and advantage is so much more means that we are actually less than what we have been by actually a lot.

    So the verdict is very simple, NEP is a negative sum game, making us all less. It makes sense because it discriminate not only against the Chinese but other minorities like Indian and Sabahan and more importantly the average and poor Malays.

  2. well, the fact is till now no one has made clear the status of bumis and non-bumis in malaysia, or it would seem that it is purposedly not made clear.

    the confusion that arises over this simple matter results in the discrimination and marginalisation of the others. things are taken for granted and people are taken advantage of.

    if it is clearly spelt out, like the 10% discount for bumis when purchasing houses, then it is fine.

    even if there is a quota system for university entry, that's still fine because it is clearly spelt out. but it is the ones that are not defined that causes the problem.

    isn't parameswara an indonesian from palembang after all?

  3. I quote "...I think every Malaysian irrespective of race knows that..."

    I am not too sure about that. Perhaps in the kampung-kampung, where access to information is not as freely available in the urban areas, the people there may not really know with all the propaganda out there.

  4. It is a simple calculation:

    370,000 Chinese student in year 1957 compare to 636,000 in year 2006 with 49 less Chinese primary school

    None of the 180 schools to be build under 9MP is Chinese or Tamil school

    What does it tell you? How far is needed for us to define that marginalisation has taken place?

  5. sham, you think non-Malays are stupid? What's the difference between stated and hidden racial discriminations? discriminations. Things like educational quotas and discounts on houses for Malaysian legalised racist called 'Bumiputras' only are racial discriminations you stupid f^^^er.
    So f^^^king what if Parameswara is from Indonesia. An Indonesian immigrant gets more government help than a non-Malay will ever get from the Malaysian government.
