
Thursday, September 14, 2006

Karpal Singh collateral damage in Nazri's attack

Preliminary question: So, who’s the target?

Scene: Dewan Rakyat

Occasion: Question & Answer session

Chief players present:
(1) Mr so-called Jantan, alias Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, alias AAB’s Hatchet Man
(2) The Lion of Gelugor alias Karpal Singh, DAP MP for Gelugor

Chief player not present: The Grand Ole Man alias Dr Mahathir Mohamed, former PM, alias Pariah to UMNO

Apparent Topic: The death penalty

Real Topic: Badmouthing the Grand Ole Man

During the session:
Karpal Singh asked Nazri if the government would review having in place the death penalty since he (Nazri) had recently supported calls for the abolishment of capital punishment.

Nazri said that was his personal stand. He remarked:
“Regarding my statement, I am free to give my views in this more open administration but I will have to adhere to the government’s final decision, this is democracy.”

“Maybe (Karpal) is still trapped in the time when his ‘mentor’ was the prime minister.”

So Mr Jantan attacked the Grand Ole Man through DAP’s Karpal Singh, as if Dr Mahathir was the DAP’s mentor - an obscene insult to the DAP and a convoluted means of attack that’s reminiscent of a cacin kena abu (a worm in hot ashes) - not an appropriate use of the Malay idiom but what the heck, just picture the twisting and wriggling of the ‘worm’. Don’t ask who’s the ‘worm’ ;-)

When Karpal, in a supplementary question, asked why the minister breached the cabinet’s spirit of collective responsibility by supporting calls to abolish the death penalty, Nazri used his reply to again attack Mahathir.

He replied:
“You (Karpal) are not a minister. I comply to whatever final decision which is made by the government, not like your mentor (Mahathir), after the cabinet makes a decision (he) still makes noise.”

Here’s a bloke who used to kiss Dr Mahathir’s hands, but now using every opportunity that arises, even during the parliamentary session, to attack Dr Mahathir but more, I think, to draw a comparison between Mahathir and AAB, with the aim of showing the latter in a better light.

And the best joke (on Nazri) was he said to Karpal: "... in this more open administration ..." - Yeah, an administration that's full of 'elegant' silence, 'I wasn't aware' and jokes like 'I want Scomi and Johari Baharom to give me a report respectively on Scomi and Dr Mahathir.'

But I suppose there’s no harm in a bit of apple polishing, especially in Bodek Land.

Dr Mahathir had accused AAB of picking up the nasty habit of lying after becoming friendly with US leaders. Looks like Nazri has also picked up the equally nasty and callous US practice of collateral damage, for that was how he had treated Karpal Singh during a question and answer session on the serious issue of the death sentence in the Dewan Rakyat, a place otherwise known as the Monkey House.

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