
Saturday, August 05, 2006

"Somebody, please shoot this Jeff Ooi for good"?

On 20 June P Gunasegaram, group executive editor of The Edge, posed 22 questions to former PM Dr Mahathir, one for each of his 22 years in power. Gunasegaram’s combative queries of Dr Mahathir’s years as premier came in the wake of Dr Mahathir’s 4 probing questions to PM AAB, on Proton's sale of MV Agusta; the exit of the former Proton chief executive officer; approved permits for cars; and scrapping of the bridge project. At that time AAB had maintained his ‘elegant’ silence.

Then suddenly and, of course, coincidentally, as if to fill in the Grand Canyon-ish gap left by the sheer ‘elegant’ silence, the pro-Singapore government Straits Times picked up the Gunasegaram’s questions by devoting one full-page to them.

In my posting AAB's Unexpected (or Expected) Defender? I remarked that while some of those 22 questions had been pertinent, others have been nothing more than kacau nonsense, perhaps to disturb, as the Malay word would translate into.

I gave a couple of examples of those nonsensical questions, but because of their pathetic relevance or logic, what they did had been, in my opinon, nothing more than to muddy the waters of Dr Mahathir’s questions to AAB.

Well, Gunasegaram has been back recently with another unfavourable-to-Mahathir article titled ‘The myth of Mahathir’s invincibility’ which appeared in The Sun on Thursday. I won't bother to read it as I won't be blogging on that, but rather the ensuing events from another blogger's posting on it.

Jeff Ooi of Screenshots, the don of Malaysian blogosphere (some people hate this word – blogosphere, that is), had blogged on Gunasegaram's article, when one visitor named Imran posted a comment which read: ‘Somebody, please shoot this Gunasegaram for good’.

At that, Gunasegaram took umbrage or fright or ‘whatever’ - you decide but only Gunasegaram himself knows. He wrote to Jeff about that remark. Jeff subsequently removed it while attempting to do the right thing by inviting Imran, a bono fide visitor with full registered credentials at Screenshots, to clarify his remarks.

Imran has been upfront with the fact that he’s a Mahathir supporter and his remarks had been nothing more than a loose comment that Gunasegaram should shut up on his anti-Mahathir articles.

But Gunasegaram was having none of that. Instead, on the very same day, he reported to the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF) agency under the energy, water and communications ministry.

When Jeff Ooi explained the situation to Malaysiakini, Gunasegaram immediately told Malaysiakini his complaint has already been lodged and could not be withdrawn, adding the posting was ‘extremely irresponsible’.

He said: “In a sensitive situation like this (just after Mahathir’s pepper spray attack), the blogger should be careful. The meaning of ‘shooting Gunasegaram for good’ in normal language is to kill him. I’m not comfortable with the posting and that it was allowed to be published […] he had the chance to block it but he did not. If the posting’s language is ambiguous, then it should be removed.”

He declined to comment on Malaysiakini's question as to whether the incident was maliciously motivated.

Well, at this stage I wonder whether I could draw the conclusion that Gunasegaram was not frightened by Imran’s purported threat because Gunasegaram’s reporting action on the incident has been to the CMCF against blogger Jeff Ooi rather than to the Police against Imran.

If my reading of the situation is not incorrect, it would appear that Gunasegaram seeks acquittal (through the CMCF) from Jeff Ooi for not removing the comment in a time to his (Guna’s) satisfaction rather than some assurance that Imran or another reader will not ‘shoot’ him. Imran has become incidental while Jeff Ooi is now Gunasegaram's target.

That he had reported the matter to the CMCF and refuses to withdraw it, even after both Jeff Ooi and Imran had clarified the latter’s comments (already removed), would appear to be an unusually extreme case of merajuk (sulking) for a professional media person. Surely Gunasegaram can't be that angry or vindictive over a petty issue which he has seen fit to not even report to the Police, for 'fear of his personal safety'. Does he want the CMCF to ‘shoot’ Jeff Ooi?

Now, Jeff Ooi is not new to such controversies. In his hard hitting and very readable blogging style he has invariably offended a few people. He has criticised various organisations for what he had deemed to be their poor adherence to governance.

One of his principal targets has been Kalimullah, group editor of the NST press. Kalimullah is of course the sidekick of the PM’s son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin. Together they form the 2 of the 3-K’s that Dr Mahathir had sneeringly criticised AAB’s administration as being lumbered with.

The 2-K’s had reported Jeff Ooi before in the now-infamous ‘oil & water’ saga, that arose from a remark posted by another Screenshot visitor named Anwar (no, not he who cannot be named).

Anwar's remark criticised AAB’s style of government as hardly Islamic, but had referred to a nasty fluid as an analogy. Jeff’s detractors seized on the mention of that 'fluid' to twist it into an insult against Islam per se, with of course Jeff as the alleged irresponsible blogger who permitted Islam to be insulted.

I have often wondered why a supposedly giant in the Malaysian media scene like Kalimullah allowed/allows himself to wrestle directly with a mere blogger like Jeff Ooi, notwithstanding the fact that Jeff is a very influential blogger.

Maybe Kalimullah would one day reveal that professional-social incongruity in his autobiography, or perhaps someone else would, in an unauthorised version.


  1. Ktemoc, chill out man!

    P Gunasegaram was merely expressing his opinion, just like you do with your pro Tun Mamak Kangkang articles. You and him just have differences in opinions. You have the right to say his writings nonsensical. No doubt about it.

    But when people start using threats in order to silence others or force them to see things in another way, well, I don't think that's right. Perhaps, that is what you should be condemning. After all, your blog's not yet regulated by MiniTrue that's currently managed by Mamak Mydin.

    If you do believe that, quote
    ""Somebody, please shoot this Jeff Ooi for good"?" unquote, then you are no better than those quote "who talked about keris dripping with blood and burning down the Chinese Assembly Hall, or UMNO trained hornets zipping in fiercesome formations at parties it didn’t like".

    Big Brother Is Watching You

  2. Imran's comments were in bad taste and he has unreservedly apologised

    He knows what he wrote was wrong and has quickly apologised.

    Jeff probably got legal advice and is washing his hands with a warning :

    Enough said.

  3. Imran might have been blowing his top but his intent was not, unlike the reporter, he lodged the report with ill-intent. I think that's the difference. Don't tell me as an experienced journalist/reporter he can't tell the difference between a genuine threat or a 'figure of speech'.

    I'm gonna shoot him with my camera!

  4. All of you do not see the cusp of it all. By your postings this shows lack of perception. Whether the victim is an experienced journalist/reporter who can or cannot tell the difference is immaterial.

    What it simply boils down is what the public reading the statement will make out of it. The above postings proves my point that if here, one cannot grasp or understand the rudiments of the complaint per se, how then can the general public, which comprises of people of diverse backgrounds and opinions can understand and tell the difference?

  5. " cannot grasp or understand the rudiments of the complaint per se, how then can the general public, which comprises of people of diverse backgrounds and opinions can understand and tell the difference?"

    Are you saying readers are generally 'stupid'? The complaint was made with the intention of the Authorities to investigates the alleged threat which to me is a waste of time and effort because the undelying factor constitutes that 'threat' was not genuine. If we, readers attempt to even think like you, then we'll have so many lawsuits against the mainstream media which publish any word/threat on its articles everyday.

    Get real, Anonymous, wars are not fought over bloggers but by Politicians. Are you one?

  6. To MOB1900,

    That one cannot grasps or understand the rudiments of the complaints per se is exactly the intention of the victim seeking redress. To you is a waste of time and effort, but not to the victim. Are you being judge and jury? It is a personal decision of the victim who is of the opinion that the poster wrote inflammatory words as he thought he can do so as the internet allows freedom of speech. This seems to be the case for most internet users. Interestingly enough, perusing some websites, there are a great number of posts that is taking the partisan view, rightly or wrongly propagated by the bloggers themselves.

    The regime of rights operates totally and is the web of interlocking rights that forms the basis of our society. When there are unsubstantiated charges and accusations hurled without the right to confront, when we use illegal evidence in contravention to the sanctity of private communication, when we convict based on public opinion and trial by publicity, there are direct and shameful breaches of the rights of not just the one accused but of everyone.

    The perceived anonymity of the Internet emboldens many users to publish messages they may not otherwise have sent if the messages could be attributed to them. Please do not under-estimate the power of the internet as it is more dynamic, sensitive and agile than those of print journalists and book writers. It can sense quickly and effectively when there's something happening; a shift in public consciousness or attitude; a new issue or idea gaining traction, that the mainstream media do take blogs seriously. Hence it could be the reason why Guna took the path.

    I take the liberty to quote a paragraph from a Research Group that says,
    "Cybersmear proliferates today because of three defining qualities of the Internet itself. First, the Internet is ubiquitous. Information posted on the Internet may be accessed from everywhere in the world instantaneously. Second, the Internet creates the illusion of anonymity. Just as users browse websites without having to reveal their identity, visitors to chat rooms post messages anonymously or, at least, pseudononymously, in a myriad of Internet sites. Most Internet forums only require the user to create a pseudonym or, in the lexicon made popular by America OnLine, a "screen name." This anonymity is illusory, however, because every Internet message or mouse click leaves a digital trace that can be followed to the source computer. Third, the Internet is eternal, or nearly so. Message boards retain a historic record of posted messages; most have online archives of messages that are instantly searchable. Thus, a defamatory posting remains accessible by any one of hundreds of Internet search engines months and years after its original date of posting. This can be the case even if the message was removed in response to a complaint. Many search engines, such as retrieve not only live website pages but also "cached" versions of web pages that have been removed from the server that first offered the material to the world."

    Your interpretation of my post "Are you saying readers are generally 'stupid'?" just about prove my point. Tom, Dick and Harry read and interpret a word as follows: Tom read "scream", Dick read and understand that the word is "shriek" whereas to Harry it should be "screech'"

    In the final analysis you have your version of the "truth" and so do I have mine. What about the rest? Do you wonder why Governments are trying their very best to rein in the excesses of citizens right to free speech? Why does free speech extend to a right to speak without disclosing one’s identity? Read Malaysia Today on this issue.

    Kind Regards

    Dear KTemoc,

    Hope to have your views and a wish that you can also highlight the other side of the story of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict. I will understand if you desire not to do so. The war has to be stop for civilians are getting killed everyday. Inciting any side will only allow the conflict to escalate, incite hatred between nations, but will one side win? The answer is no, only the innocents lose.

    Thank you.

  7. Anon, I agree the war has to stop, whether between Israel and Lebanon (there is no doubt it has gone beyond Hezbollah) or between Gunasegaram and Jeff Ooi.

    But let's return to the Middle East. I reject your opinion that I incite any side. My views are no different than those opinions pasted by journalists on news sources ranging from the NYT to BBCWorld to Ha-aretz.

    I do acknowledge my sympathies are with Lebanon and thus by default, Hezbollah. Let's also not peddle the old American line for Israel, when after attacking, blasting the hell out of a country, invading and indeed occupying another country, it has the chutzpah to claim its righteousness.

    It has not been about the 2 soldiers that Hezbollah captured (stull alive, I presume). It's a proxy war between the USA and Iran, with Israel being more than a willing proxy.

    The war has to stop but can it, when a draft US-French Resolution stack everything in favour of Israel? I don't blame the French because that's the best it could manage out if the US.

    But the US-Israeli deliberate pulverisation of Lebanon (and its innocence) and its continued intransigence in the diplomatic arena (preventing a ceasefire earlier to continue wanton killing) has been the real culprit for the tragedy on both sides.

    Now that Israel wants a ceasefire because it's feeling and not relishing the heat, it still instructs the USA to set things up so it emerges with every advantage it can think of. There is no sincerity for peace. It wants domination.

    Look at Israel's Bantustan-ization of Palestine! I still recall one schoolboy word to describe Israel for what it has been doing since 1982 - BULLY.

    Maybe you should address your concerns for peace, and I do believe in your sincerity and indeed share them, to the US-Israel powers.

  8. Typical aneh. No balls in the face of a Melayu. So, go after the Chinaman

  9. This war between Isreal and Lebanon should never have started if Hezbollah has not started it first by attacking Isreal and capturing 2 of its soldiers. It is, I believe, only right for Isreal to reponse. I do not condone war and feels that it should be stop but looks like every body is blaming Isreal for it. Bloody Hezbollah should be blamed in the first place and Lebanon also for harbouring such terrorists. This is call abetting the crime and in legal terms, there is a section in the penal code that says, " each of several persons, liable for an act done by all in like manner as if it was done by him alone". Lebenon should be liable for harbouring terrorists that did harm to another country and should face the consequences as well.

    Imagine how Malaysia would have responded if a neighbouring country attacked us first and capture 2 of our soldiers! Get real and be fair. Don't practice double standards just because they are of a different religion.

  10. The war would still have started even if (1) Israel vacates the Shebaa Farm, which belongs to Lebanon, (2) stop kidnapping hundreds if not thousands of Lebanese and jailing them without trial (3) stop intruding into Lebanonese territory as had the two soldiers who were kidnapped (went on a raid into Lebanon, were beaten off, chased by Hezbollah into Israeli territory, and captured).

    Why, because the USA wanted to hit Hezbollah/Lebanon to (1) tell Iran to stay out of the Lebanon/Palestine region, (2) show Iran what the USA/Israel could to it (Iran) if Iran doesn't comply with the NPT.

    The issue of the captured soldiers is not a new one and had been going on, committed by both sides for decades. It just provided an excuse for Israel to act in the barbaric manner it had. The sheer atrocious destruction was meant to threaten Iran into compliance with the IAEA/NPT issue.

    Malaysia doesn't go around seizing other people's territory.

  11. Jeff Ooi also went too far to simply write bad about companies. If you read the sms story where Jeff purposely mess sms with scam is amazingly defamation. People who don't like him do the samething distributing

    Jeff method who put all other bloggers in question of their ethic and self regulation harm many people heart. Baseless assuptions and link innocent people together like he knows something. When read carefully are all his own thinking. Too sad having a blogger doing this.

  12. like jeff himself was slapping his own face. it's not about who is correct but what is correct. spam and scam are illegal and should be punished. jeff way of misleading and misinformation on purpose is also illegal and should be imprison. beware when reading blogs. differentiate truth and lies.
