
Monday, August 14, 2006

'Real Thing' to Boycott - Coca or Pepsi?

Malaysiakini reported that Malaysians for Peace, the Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia (PPIM) and the Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association have launched a boycott of American products to protest against the US’ support of Israel in the Jewish State’s military offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.

The two principal American products targeted are Coca-Cola and Starbucks coffee.

Now, everyone knows KTemoc to be a strong supporter of the Palestinians so I am all for boycotting American soft drinks or Zionist-owned coffee. Besides they are of no nutritional value, especially for our youngsters, so their absence from our palate should be of no loss to us.

But I want to ask one question on Coca Cola because I recall the boycotting of this fizzy drink has been called before. Why hasn’t the current boycott included Pepsi Cola?

I recall when the last boycott was instigated against Coca Cola, someone alleged that the people stirring the movement were associated with the Pepsi franchise holders.

Maybe that’s not the case today, but I want to hear members of above group also include Pepsi among the American items to be boycotted.

If I don’t hear this, I would suspect what had been alleged before, that the call to boycott Coca Cola has been motivated by local commercial interest rather political sympathy for the Palestinians and Lebanese.

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