
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Monkeys or Donkeys

Malaysiakini reader HL Too wrote a Zen-like letter titled Do donkeys eat bananas? which read:

With reference to the letter by KMK entitled Pak Lah, Dr M and Ali Baba’s caves, I cannot entirely agree with his statement that ‘your vote counts’.

I don't know about KMK, but I don't think my vote counts.

The idea that in a democracy the electorate gets to choose their government is not always true. At least, not when you're asked to choose between monkeys and donkeys.

All these years, we have elected monkeys to look after the banana plantation.

They not only ate all the bananas they wanted but even assumed that we, the electorate, had given them the mandate to do so.

Come the next election, I'll try voting for the donkeys. The question is: do donkeys eat bananas?

Profound, utterly profound!


  1. It is my belief that when it comes to politics and choice of who to lead the government, Malaysians are left in a situation of having "freedom of no choice".

    And based on that, sometimes it's better to sleep with the devil you know rather than the 'angel' you don't. Why? Because (at least some of us believe) the Devil, once upon a time used to be an angel, too.

  2. Then 'Hee-Haw' we'll choose but do make sure our bananas does not turn into Carrots.
