
Monday, August 21, 2006

MCA's "WTF?" to Khairy Jamaluddin

The country’s most famous son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, warned UMNO members that if UMNO were weak, the Chinese community would exploit that weakness to make demands on the Government.

Khairy then brought up 2 examples, firstly the Suqiu issue and secondly, the memorandum to the PM signed by nine ministers, including the MCA. The memorandum called for a review of laws affecting the rights of non-Muslims, but was subsequently withdrawn on the advice of the PM.

Incidentally the memo was submitted at a time when UMNO was still not beset by its current internal strife, so even if not withdrawn, Khairy would still be recklessly shooting off his mouth about an event unrelated to a 'weak' or divided UMNO.

But he has been scrapping the bottom of an empty barrell in his attempt to demonise the Chinese community. The Chinese Malaysians collectively has represented a convenient punching bag for a few ambitious UMNO members.

Once again, the MCA was right royally pissed off. Its vice-president Dr Chua Soi Lek said that there was no need for anyone to exhume an issue (the withdrawn memorandum) when it had been retracted on the advice of PM AAB.

Chua stated: “So I do not understand why this issue, which is regarded as resolved, has been resurrected months later. For us, it is no longer an issue because the memorandum is now in the hands of the Prime Minister and Government.”

In non-diplomatic and more earthly language, Chua would have said to young Khairy: “What the f**k?”

But Khairy has been attempting to develop his popularity amongst UMNO Youth members, and he must have been really desperate to exploit the non-issue that had been buried long ago. He has not been very popular among UMNO members for his parachuting exploits, and then the Mahathir Book of Revelations had left him reeling and worse off.

In the aftermath of the M-factor’s ‘shock & awe’ strikes, young Khairy was forced to off-load his Libra-ECM shares, but still haven’t explained how he could handle the loss he claimed to have made as a ‘sacrifice’ to Malays.

Our ‘whiter than white’ Prince Consort has been playing to the UMNO Youth gallery ever since then – sacrificing his 'loss' in shares for Malays, telling the Penang CM to set targets for Malay participation in terms of real estate and property ownership, employment and business, and now stirring fears of Chinese encroachment on UMNO's preserves by using a long dead non-issue.


  1. UMNO can't fight their true enemies - themselves, the oligarchy. So, demonising the other races, it's the only alternative, to justify their own weaknesses, to justify cronyism and nepotism.

  2. Well, the 'wonder-boy' has created more enemies, nice thinking. Can't wait until they 'bury' him alive in the next election. But again he never need to win any, thanks to the dumb PM who allowed him near his family. I'm sure Siti's parents felt the same way about the 'nice' Uncle K who once visits them with his family. Now he'll be sleeping with their daughter and shared half her wealth. nice. the 2 Ks of destruction.

    But to fan racial sentiments by playing the racial card again, he is THAT LOW.

  3. MCA should fuck KJ bugger centre left right, but then the MCA's leadership are just ball-less lot ,gee.
