
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

MCA Youth: "Not yet kow-tim"

Ling Hee Leong - son of former MCA president Dr Ling Liong Sik - clarified that Khairy Jamaluddin had no intention of hurting the feelings of the Chinese Malaysian community, and that the two of them had agreed to ‘look forward to the greater interest of the nation’.

But the official voice from MCA Youth said: “Hang on a bloody ding dong minute!”

MCA Youth secretary-general Dr Wee Ka Siong stated in no uncertain terms that as far as the Youth organisation is concerned, Ling Junior was acting on his own, and did not speak for MCA Youth. Whatever ‘consensus’ was reached between Khairy and Ling Hee Leong at a meeting yesterday did not represent MCA Youth’s stand.

Looks like MCA Youth wasn’t about to accept some cosy arrangements between those two youngsters.

Wee cleverly added: “It was a private meeting between them as friends. The matter should be sorted out through the proper channel, which is Barisan Nasional Youth”, which 'coincidentally' has been precisely what PM AAB had advised.

Wee didn’t mince his words. He said bluntly that the MCA Youth did not accept Khairy’s explanation.

He added: “Our chief Liow Tiong Lai has denied that MCA Youth agrees with the MIC Youth stand, which was to fully accept Khairy’s explanation that his statement had been misinterpreted by the media and BN leaders.”

Wee explained why MCA Youth thinks Khairy's excuse of being ‘misinterpreted’ had been nothing more than a crock of shit.

He stated: “There was no inconsistency in newspaper reports about what Khairy said and they (media) can’t be fabricating the stories together. The media should reveal tape recordings of what Khairy said.”

Asked what MCA Youth wants from Khairy, Wee said: “We want Khairy to understand that he must be responsible for his remarks, which are untrue.”

When I was a kid, my dad would give me a tight slap when he reckoned I was fibbing, even though most times I wasn’t – I just have that damn face that makes people distrust me ;-). Oh, I have wandered off, as usual. Sorry.

Wee said (using KTemoc’s words) Khairy’s ‘untrue’ remarks had right royally pissed off MCA Youth. He expects heated debate on the issue at the wing’s annual general meeting this coming Friday.

KTemoc recommends that MIC Youth sends observers.


  1. Khairy is just grasping at straws to try and save his political career. If the first few ruses don't work, you can always play the Race Card as a distraction.

    It'll be interesting to see how low he can limbo.

    Sadly, MIC is known as the 'Must I Come?' party to my Indian pals...

  2. First we were treated to the embarrassing spectacle of his hystrionic and utterly out-of-control theatrical act during Condoleeza Rice's visit to KL and now this absolutely unethical ploy to ingratiate himself to his supporters. It just makes one wonder which organ he uses to think with. His penis?
