
Sunday, August 06, 2006

'Lucky' Khairy Jamaluddin

Last Friday, Dr Mahathir questioned openly in public how the PM’s 31-year old son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin, had amassed his millions to purchase shares worth RM 9.2 million in the financial advisory company ECM-Libra. Mahathir said that only a person with money would have been allowed to borrow more money from a bank.

Aha, which explains why my application for a bank loan was turned down, despite years of keeping an account with that bank. And mind you, I didn’t even ask for one million, let alone 9. But I must admit my account figures before the decimal point are too pathetic and embarrassing to even mention here.

In response to that query, Khairy just clarified that he had borrowed the money, but not from the bank.

informed Bernama: “I borrowed the money ... everything is loaned, not my own money. Luckily, there are people who want to give loans (to me). I took a loan from them (ECM-Libra) who sold their shares to me.”

‘Luckily …’ indeed. What a wonderful stroke of luck for him, that unfortunately has somehow eluded poor me. I would have settled for ‘love’ if ‘luck’ in money matters wasn’t to be, but alas, even I have failed in matters of the heart, which goes to prove the saying ‘lucky in love, unlucky in money, but unlucky in love, lucky in money’ very very wrong … well, at least for me.

And when you think of it carefully, that, according to Khairy, it has been ECM-Libra itself, and not a bank. that loaned Khairy the RM 9+ millions to buy 13 million of the company shares, just what marvellous luck this bloke has!

But I hope he won’t be hoodooed in any way by the ‘luck, love & money’ saying I have just quoted. After all he’s quite a lang chai (handsome bloke). But mind you, he's a married man so my concerns for him may be completely irrelevant.

Back to more serious stuff - Files from the Exchange showed that Khairy bought the shares in three separate transactions from acquaintance and ECM-Libra’s chairperson Kalimullah Hassan, chief executive officer Lim Kian Onn and chief operating officer Chua Ming Huat.

Khairy has been a director of ECM-Libra since July 2004, not long after his father-in-law succeeded Dr Mahathir as prime minister.

Luck sure runs like a thick lode for AAB’s family. Wish I could just have a wee sprinkling of their lucky dust. Hmmm, I best forget about 'money', but maybe I’ll re-examine my luck in 'love' again.


  1. I would have loan you some dough to make doughnuts, dude then you can make your '$$$'-shaped doughnuts!

    me wonders how much 'interest' does those loans costs The SIL?

    Does Ah Long and Machai terms ring a bell?

  2. Throughout my business careers I have tons of money for many people but until today, no one will lend me ANY money to invest, rather they ask me to let them buy the shares themselves instead. Right Khairy, you are lucky, the same way I am such a stud with all the many women and it has nothing to do with my money.

  3. Did is sistem kewangan HADHARI.
    "SIJIL NIKAH" is accepted collateral.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This is a slightly edited copy of what Anon above posted this morning:

    RM9 million or 13 million shares ...

    ACA please do your job and investigate this. I think Husam Musa has reported this so ACA do your job. You already has the public confession from KJ.

    Sorry Anon, we need to be fair of not slandering without evidence or a preparedness to go to court, but it's OK to quote Husam Musa's statement.

  6. He said he took a loan. He married into a rich and illustrious family. His brother-in-law is one of Malaysia's richest. What is a few million between close relatives to help them along? Why should he divulge where the loan came from? No one in his right mind would blab and tell the whole world as it is a private and personal matter. It is no one's business, unless you are the one who gave the loan and have the right to wave KJ's IOU to all and sundry.

    As it is, KJ was alleged to have a second wife by his enemies without any proof or evidence. This is inexcusable on the part of his accusers because it borders into slandering and may be a cause of a fallout between him, his wife and in-laws.

    To those who dares to cast aspersions on another's character, are cowards hiding behind pseudonyms and assume they will be saved from persecutions. Why does free speech extend to a right to speak without disclosing one’s identity?

    Please do not practise cybersmearing. Your host KTemoc has given you a platform to air your views, so please do so responsibly. It is bad manners in our culture to abuse the hospitality of your host. Remember, all electronic messages are traceable and given the motives, the victim can seek you out and ask for redress.
