
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ku Li asked UMNO: "Why so afraid" of Mahathir?

In a Malaysiakini interview, Tengku Razaleigh, known affectionately as Ku Li, a former rival of Dr Mahathir for the UMNO presidential position years ago, proposed an UMNO special general meeting to allow its ‘special member’ - Dr Mahathir - to air his views on his current stoush with PM AAB.

Ku Li said he made the suggestion when he attended the Kelantan state UMNO meeting in June but had yet to receive a response. When pressed by Malaysiakini on the state UMNO’s reaction to his ‘special general meeting’ proposal, he revealed that the members remained in ‘elegant silence’.

Would that be an ‘elegant’ indication of support for AAB? Or, were 'inelegantly' horrified and dumb-struck by Ku Li's bold proposal?

Asked whether his proposal would be forwarded to UMNO supreme council, he replied he wasn't optimistic UMNO would allow such a special congress given the current ‘mood’ within the party.

He asked pointedly of UMNO’s reluctance to allow Dr Mahathir the opportunity to address the members of the party: “Why so afraid? There’s nothing to hide. Let’s come clean, give him the forum, he is not going to be prime minister again.”

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