
Monday, August 28, 2006

Khairy told MCA Youth to F-off!

The nation’s most famous (or infamous) son-in-law, whiter than white Khairy Jamaluddin has refused to say that magic word. Sin Chew Daily evening edition reported that he has refused to apologise for his patently racist statement, that the Chinese community would take advantage of UMNO during the Malay party’s time of crisis. MCA Youth had earlier called upon him to do so as the only decent thing.

And what was Khairy’s explanation on why he won’t say sorry? He said any action that ‘upholds the dignity of religion and the interest of Malay ethnic community’ does not require an apology, meaning any UMNO person can say what he or she likes regarding Malay interests or Islam, even if those statements were to hurt or vilify the other communities.

my underlining

I am sure that would ring an accord with some UMNO Youth members, which probably has been why Khairy had flung out those defiant words. Khairy has resorted once again to even more aggressive racist sentiments to defend the indefensible. It’s a form of keris waving, a verbal one.

He added that UMNO Youth must remain firm on its stand, even on matters involving other BN component parties.

What he really meant (but didn't say) was that he won't apologise to MCA Youth because he would be seen as a loser, which would then be counterproductive to his original objective for saying those racist comments. And of course, demi agama dan bangsa (for race and religion) he expects all UMNO Youth members to marshal around Hang Putih, if they haven't yet.

This was what he said: "Many people say our criticism is too harsh, provocative and extreme, but this does not matter as we are upholding our religious dignity and pride. So why should I apologise?"

my underlining

But whatever, there you have it, from his own mouth, that it’s OK for him (representing UMNO Youth) to say what he likes, and damn any other Malaysians, because their feelings or interests doesn't matter!

So said the Oxford graduate, who now no longer claims he was misinterpreted.

Hishammuddin Hussein has been put on his back foot by his deputy striking back in even more racist manner. Hishamuddin had to say the obligatory bit that he was angry with MCA Youth for repeatedly asking his deputy to apologise. He said that there was an existing channel in the ruling BN coalition to resolve such issues, and Khairy has yet to explain himself officially.

But what is there to explain officially when it’s now out in the open, where Khairy has averred that it's tough luck for others if they think his 'criticism is too harsh, provocative and extreme' and by that, he sure as hell admitted he wasn't misinterpreted.

MCA Youth chief Liow Tiong Lai said he will use the ‘proper channel’ to convey his party’s concerns to Hishamuddin. He intends to put his views to the UMNO Youth Chief so that the latter can understand what had been troubling the Chinese community.

In the meantime, MCA President Ong Ka Ting responded indirectly to Khairy’s racist statements at the MCA annual general meeting yesterday where PM AAB and his deputy, Najib, were among the 1,800 people present.

malaysiakini photo

Ong reminded the conference that when UMNO was deregistered in 1988, MCA had ensured that ‘UMNO was brought back into Barisan Nasional and continue to lead Barisan Nasional’.

And when UMNO was challenged by the ‘reformasi’ campaign by former deputy PM Anwar Ibrahim through a series of demonstrations at the height of the economic crisis in the late-1990s, the MCA had also provided ‘full support to UMNO leadership’.

He stated: “MCA and the Chinese community understand that UMNO, which represents the Malay race, are the main stabilisers of Barisan Nasional and the government.”

He said that MCA and the Chinese community hold on to the principle that “when a friend is in jeopardy, we do not take advantage to backstab a fellow comrade. Instead, we stand firm together and give our support.”

And for full measure, Ong then declared that the party is fully behind AAB as the BN chairperson and the country’s PM. It was reported that AAB abruptly stood up to the sweet sound of applause from the floor.

Didn't Sun Wu said something like striking to the front but protecting your backside - OK, maybe that illustrious stategist didn't use the word 'backside'.

But, aiyah, what does a PM do with a recalcitrant son-in-law?


  1. From “The Stubborn Boy Who Wouldn’t Apologise” to “The Stubborn Boy Who Costed HIs PIL His Career”?

    Come on lar, continuing his acts like that will make people hate him even more, till nobody's left. Or not. "You undi saya, I kasi satu Mat satu motor". That would be brilliant.

  2. What Chinese voters should ask is this: Its clear now than that UMNO and especially the younger generation of UMNO does not have an answer for future of non-bumiputera in this country since they keep harping back to old ways. What does MCA going to do about it? Who is going to provide the answer and leadership? If there is no gameplan, why bother to support government? Because we have no choice? Might as well agitate enough to qualify for political asylum and mass migrate overseas..

  3. What else can be expected of Malay bastards like him?

  4. Hi ali matey, OK lah, no problems - maybe your PC?

  5. Anon, may I make a suggestion? Call anyone, including KTemoc a bastard, and to me, that's OK. But don't qualify that 'bastard' with an adjective of ethnic identity, like 'American bastard' ;-) - because other (nice) Americans may be offended. Cheers matey.

  6. Ktemoc, in Malaysia a Malaysian is defined by law according to his/her ethnic identity. Try telling thr NRD you would like to leave your ethnicity out of your IC
    and lets see the shit you will get.
    Since Khairy is a Malay and he is acting like a bastard he is therefore a Malay bastard just like there are Malay crimunals. Even seen how the police book a suspect in Malaysia? You will see racial profiling at its worst in Malaysia.

  7. Come on just forget about this samseng... he is not leader but cox his father in law is PM.
    no time to comment this rubbish.
