
Friday, August 04, 2006

Khairy Jamuluddin on OIC & the Pontianak lady

I have to admit that I haven't heard this one before, about Khairy Jamaluddin having a secret second wife. But now I do, because none other than Khairy himself has emerged to dismiss that rumour, according to Bernama. Thanks Khairy!Khairy swore before God that he is married to only Nori binte Abdullah, the PM's daughter, and that he isn't interested in a second wife.

Other than this vow before God, he informed UMNO that he would soon reveal all against those accusations and slander against him, which he condemned as sheer punitive attacks when the attacker(s) couldn't find any weakness in PM AAB.

He advised UMNO Youth to focus instead on the Israeli aggression against Palestine and Lebanon. He wants the issue discussed seriously before the movement take pro-active action to urge the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the United Nations (UN) the stop the inhumane acts.

Thank goodness he has come to the party finally, when I was beginning to think that only bloggers mahaguru58, MENJ and yours truly were the only 'hi profile' ;-) Malaysians to show any care.

Khairy also said the time had come for Islamic countries to form their own peacekeeping force to help deal with such conflicts.

This is precisely the sort of 'us' and 'them' approach that won't do the Palestinians or Lebanese any good. I see it as nothing more than rhetoric, lots of empty gas! What have the Arabs (other than the Palestinians themselves) or for that matter, Malaysia done for the ordinary Palestinians all these years? Please tell me.

It has been the UN's Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) which has been providing relief care for the Palestinians. Those of you who want the OIC to pull out of the UN should think carefully of what the UN has been doing for the unfortunate Palestinians versus the virtually nothing-ness from the Arab or Islamic states. And I can tell you that the OIC is hardly likely to be able to replicate the good effort of the UNRWA.

Please read my previous postings (below) to see who was the compassionate and intrepid Commissioner-General of the UNRWA who defied the Israelis for the protection and benefit of the Palestinians:

(1) Palestinians: Now's Time to Remember Peter Hanson!
(2) Peter Hanson: "The deprivation of dignified human life"

Khairy promised us that UMNO Youth also wants the UN to abolish the veto power that is held by superpowers like the US because it clearly suppresses Islamic countries.

I am disappointed that an Oxford graduate would even suggest that (1) the removal of the veto of the UNSC permanent members would be possible, or (2) the veto had always been against Islamic countries.

To me, he has only been making flamboyant but empty meaningless gestures. In the final analysis, I find the rumours about his alleged association with Maya Karin more interesting than his proposals for the Middle East.

Photos from Fotopages

1 comment:

  1. KTEMOC - what happened to the bankrupcy suit file against JAIS Exco a few months ago? more importantly, why was it file in the first place?
