
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kelantan PAS: "No vice, only victuals"

PAS in Kelantan has boasted that State is free of vice. State Local Government Committee chairman Takiyuddin Hassan has called on Malaysians to come and see for themselves, how free Kelantan is of vice activities.

He said: “Seeing is believing and all should visit Kelantan and sample its lifestyle. We invite Malaysians to come and see for themselves, how we manage Kelantan. Vice cannot thrive here as there are no nightclubs or discotheques which breed such activities.”

my underlining

"... Vice cannot thrive here as there are no nightclubs or discotheques which breed such activities ..."

Well, obviously Takiyuddin Hassan is a very naive bloke, perhaps even a virgin, or he hasn't a clue about what he is saying.

Anyway, wonderful and all that, but here's a news report about Tumpat.

Well, Tumpat in Kelantan has become the new border town for sex romp, except it’s on the Malaysian side. It has been touted as the Malaysian ‘Golok’. KTemoc intends to re-name Tumpat as ‘Bolok’, to standardise its appellation with our ‘Boleh’ brand.

Apparently, many restaurants in ‘Bolok’ are staffed with Thai waitresses, serving more than just spicy ‘tom yam kai’ (chicken tom yam). The new dish is called ‘yum yum the kai’.

After the ‘tom yam kai’, the waitresses offer ‘yum yum the kai’ as dessert. It seems that some restaurants have cubicles at the back or on the first floor for the 'desserts'. Alternatively, the ‘desserts’ can be ta-pao* back to rented home or for short trip visitors, hotel rooms.

* takeaway

One source
said: “In light of escalating unrest in southern Thailand, especially in Golok, Kelantanese are afraid to frequent their usual haunts, so those in the sex industry have brought the women into the state instead. The saying here is ‘if we cannot go to Thailand, we bring Thailand to us’”.

That’s the Boleh-spirit, though I was for a moment worried that the source was going to be stupid enough to refer to the analogy of mountains.

KTemoc would have said: “In light of escalating unrest in southern Thailand, especially in Golok, Kelantanese saw the light in escalating undress in Northern Kelantan, especially in Bolok. The saying here is ‘if we cannot go to Thailand, we bring Thigh-land to us’”.

Meanwhile, our amazing police, who have so much time that it could investigate Malaysiakini for a retracted report of the mace attack affair, has this to say.

Its State deputy CPO, SAC II Abdul Rahim Hanafi, stated that allegations of waitresses moonlighting as call girls or young women offering similar services cannot be categorised as vice per se.

Why not?

Because according to him, “It is difficult to garner evidence on such allegations as it is not an organised criminal activity.”

He said he was aware of talk of waitresses indulging in vice but proof must be obtained first for action to be taken. He declared: “Give us the information and we will get on it. There is no compromise here.”

Well, that’s the police for you. Firstly, there’s no vice because the sex romp is free-lance and not organised - well, he's not quite like the PAS naive virgin, but I suppose to him, it's just tom yum kai plus 'dessert'.

Secondly, he's saying his police force would be sitting on their behind (or harrassing Malaysiakini) until citizens do the work for them by providing the necessary information before they would investigate.

Certainly Malaysia Boleh!

Y1 - the colour in this posting is specially for you ;-)


  1. Bolok? Even though it sounds like bollocks, but eh, isn't that the Malay translation for blog? Dun lar go and portray blogs (and bloggers also) as vice. :P

  2. :)
    kamsia kamsia
    my eyes less painful liau

    but old habits die hard hor, you reverted back to white on black in your later posts!

    ok ok, i tapao kaliau, whether painful or not... and you golok so often ka? so knowleadgeable one even the imans are such were blinded by their whiter than white attitude in the midst of the stark dark human behaviour. the more you legislate morality the more jalan they cari makan
