
Thursday, August 03, 2006

AAB calls for Muslim troops for Lebanon

I wonder whether PM AAB has been spurred by Dr Mahathir’s criticism of him as a passive Chair of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), because today at an emergency meeting of the OIC in Putrajaya, he said the Muslim world must commit troops for a proposed UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon. He also criticised the UN, or more specifically its Security Council (UNSC) for not taking a harder line on Israel.

I am not sure whom he blasted - the UNSC or Muslim nations – but he lamented that it was not enough to merely sympathise with victims of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

He said: "We cannot continue issuing mere statements of condemnation for the violence. We must play a more proactive role in the present conflict. We must show preparedness to contribute forces for peacekeeping operations under the United Nations banner. Malaysia is ready to do that."

"We must also request a role for the OIC to play in building the peace after the ceasefire is in place.”

AAB accused Israel of a ‘bigger objective’ beyond the recovery of two Israeli soldiers captured on July 12 by the militant Hezbollah, which sparked the crisis.

He said: "Until now, unfortunately, the international community is in paralysis. The United Nations has not been able to do much except to try organising the distribution of humanitarian aid."

"The Security Council could not even muster the moral courage to condemn Israel for the attack on Qana or the killing of UN observers at Khiam."

"Let us be clear. What is happening to Lebanon and Palestine cannot be tolerated and should be condemned."

Now, I don’t want to diminish his statements because saying something against the atrocities committed in Lebanon is better than keeping mum like those bloody Sunni Arab nations (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, some Gulf States) did at the beginning of the conflict, because those unconscionable states were actually silently cheering Israel on to hammer the Hezbollah, and thus Lebanon, because those useless Arab states were scared of the influence of Shiite Iran extending into the region. For their religious affiliation, they were quite contended to let Israel whack another Arab state.

But what Dr Mahathir may seize upon would be the cry of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Khaleda Zia who asked of her fellow OIC members: "The question that may come up is why this meeting could not be convened earlier?"

She was expressing the frustration of many across the Muslim world (and may I just add, not just across the Muslim world), who has been shocked by an uncaring callous and indeed evil USA who has allowed, nay, encourage Israel to slaughter at least 643 people in Lebanon, most of them civilians, and almost destroy an entire country because Hezbollah had captured two Israeli soldiers, alive if I may remind everyone.

Indeed why has the OIC waited so long to condemn the Israelis? Well, the answer could be found above where I had discussed the attitudes of those Arab Sunni nations.

But AAB’s remarks need analysing for what it’s worth. However, we need to bear in mind two primary issues: firstly, he’s the current chair of the OIC so he needs to say something for the Lebanese, which I (a non-Muslim) supports 101%; secondly, he has been under pressure from you-know-who, so perhaps, who knows, his strong condemnation has been in response to that – like saying “f-you, I am not as passive as you had unkindly insulted me.”

Now, on his remarks:

His proposal for Islamic nations to contribute to the peacekeeping force may be more symbolic than practical because Israel (and thus the USA) is unlikely to accept any Muslim contingent. Israel has already mentioned its preference for European or NATO troops, obviously trusting Christian nations more than Muslim ones. This doesn’t mean that Jewish Israel trust any Christian nation at all (no, not even the USA), but only that it expects them to be more fair than any Muslim contingent.

Now, it may well be that, though most unlikely, the USA may eventually persuade Israel to accept troops from its tame lapdogs like the Egyptians or Jordanians.

However, AAB’s proposal for the OIC to assume a major role in building the peace after the ceasefire has started, like aiding and reconstructing Lebanon, is a good one. The Lebanese obviously would prefer a Muslim nation to help in its practical recovery and rehabilitation from the Israeli rape, than it would from an American concern. Keep the Yanks out from Lebanon because no one should ever trust it to be even handed where Israel is involved.

The USA should of course be made to contribute its bloody millions as due compensation for its culpability and liability in supporting a rampaging Israel in the wanton destruction of the Levantine country, just because Bush thinks (or persuaded by his pro-Israeli advisers) that the Ahmadinejad bogyman has been behind every cedar tree.

Though AAB's condemnation of the UN, and subsequently narrowing it down to the UNSC, is technically correct, the reality is that it’s the USA (supported by its toady Britain) who has been the one preventing the world’s body from condemning and warning Israel about its terrible war crimes.

That is the truth about the UN. It’s bloody hostage to 5 veto wielding nations. And the USA will use its veto to prevent any criticism of its spiritual lord and master Israel, while the UK (Britain) will suck up to its transatlantic cousin.

In that sense AAB should have clarify his criticism to that of the USA as the unconscionable and culpable UNSC member. The USA is equally guilty of war crimes in facilitating the Jewish State's atrocities in Lebanon through American direct political and material support.

While Malaysia or the OIC cannot do much to stop or drag the USA or Israel to the International Court of Justice, it can voice its criticism of the American administration more pointedly so that the American people may be aware of what Bush has been guilty of, should they happen to listen in.

The only way to handle the Yanks is to direct one’s appeal to the American people because the Bush Administration doesn’t care two hoots unless you’re an Israeli or Jew.


  1. That will be a bad mistake because while the UN as a body lacks executive powers without the OK of the UNSC, it still serves as a powerful global forum to raise voices of reason, moderation, calls for help, and most importantly, a platform for Lebanon or Palestine to air its views and grievances, and for the world body (General Assembly) to support them. Not being in the UN deprives one of legitimacy and a voice on the world's stage like Taiwan is suffering from. Half a loaf is better than none. If the OIC pulls out, Israel (and to some extent, the USA) will be most happy. And it's incorrect to say the UN does what the USA tells it to - it's the exact opposite - remember Iraq II? The USA lacks the legitimacy of the attack and invasion and is guilty of possible war crimes. Yes, no one can do anything ... yet! But it would have been worse if the UN is surrendered to the USA and Israel by the OIC pulling out.

  2. I have been a critic of AAB leadership skills since the day he was chosen to be PM. However, in this case, my criticism of him is that he is not strong enough to make a case for Muslim troops UN peacekeeping in Lebanon. Its a good idea as a matter or principal and the failure of AAB is he is NOT being heard again showing his weak leadership and credibility.

    The real danger is that it could make a weaker UN peacekeeping force if Muslim and non-Muslim in the force could not work together. Selecting the troop must be carefully done and chain of command within the force must not be compromised but other than that, as many Muslim troops in the UN peacekeeping force is a good idea no matter what Israel wants.
