
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Spraygate - Verdict from the man from Squatgate

Like in the Squatgate situation, the IGP has ‘vanished’ into thin air. I am not sure whether he’s in the rundown to retirement or he’s lurking somewhere still on the extension to his ‘service’.

Anyway, the man who helmed the police during the Squatgate scandal is back in the limelight. Deputy IGP Musa Hassan commented on the disgraceful mace attack on former PM Dr Mahathir in Kota Baru airport yesterday.

He averred that the incident was linked to the rivalry between his supporters. The brouhaha that resulted in Dr Mahathir ‘crying again’ had followed an argument between the two groups over who should welcome the former premier.

One group was led by Kelantan UMNO strongman Ibrahim Ali while the other was by former UMNO Kuala Krai leader Nik Sapeia Nik Yuoff - this latter bloke's name keeps changing each time I read Malaysiakini, from Sapian to Sapia and now to Sapeia, an observation which I'll comment more on in a subsequent paragraph.

According to the deputy IGP, the two groups were fighting over who should host Mahathir’s functions in Kelantan. Musa said an argument erupted between the two groups when Mahathir was being led to a nearby vehicle.

He revealed: “At that time a tussle occurred between the factions led by Nik Sapeia who wanted to take Mahathir into his car. Then someone sprayed the mace at Ibrahim Ali’s face and Mahathir and his escort were also hit in the process.”

Here I made a minor digression but one that’s related to above statement, because it has serious implications in the incident. This is a classic case of dangerous punctuation or careless proof-reading in a published piece of news that provides people like KTemoc ;-) plenty of ammunition to shoot, spin or slander (legitimately).

Let's examine again “Then someone sprayed the cannister at Ibrahim Ali’s face and Mahathir and his escort were also hit in the process.”

Now, did that someone sprayed the mace at Ibrahim Ali's face and Mahathir, and unfortunately also hit the escort, or that someone sprayed at Ibrahim Ali's face, and unfortunately also hit Mahathir and his escort?

I must say lately Malaysiakini has been very careless with its spelling, punctuation and proper proof-reading because its mistakes are reaching proportions that now rival those of the mainstream newspapers. It could be an unfortunate consequence of its staff expansion.

The thing is that Malaysiakini's poor, or lack of judicious, punctuation in that crucial sentence has left us all very confused. Even if I were to assume that Ibrahim Ali was the only intended target, I still would have thought a so-called ‘supporter’ of Dr Mahathir would not be so carelessly negligent and disrespectful as to spray terrible chemicals in the proximity of Dr Mahathir.

I am still doubtful, unless of course Malaysiakini could argue that the verb 'were' used after Mahathir and his escort implies they (the doctor and escort) were gabung (grouped) together in that sentence, ... and so probably it was, or they were, or ....

Matey at Malaysiakini, you are imposing on my understanding of the more subtle aspects of English grammar, which reminds of an old tricky physics teacher who used to catch me in the objective exams by her profligate use of grammatical nuances, which were pivotal in the understanding her questions.

Just to assure us, or rather PM AAB who had demanded the matter be solved IMMEDIATELY and bloody STERNLY, deputy IGP Musa said the person who sprayed the mace has been identified and will be arrested immediately – there you have it, that ‘immediately’ word again.

But why can't he tell us who that person is? Revealing his identity would not have hampered any investigation since that has, in the deputy IGP's assurance, been concluded. The public has a right to know.

Musa refuted Internet reports that the mace was sprayed by a person clad in a jacket and believed to be from the police special operations force. He said those internet reports were slanderous and had the sinister aim of running down the reputation of the police and government.

Hmmm, how could anyone run down the police and government’s reputation when those are already at rock bottom?

Musa also warned that the police would take stern (that ‘stern’ word again) action against those who spread false news via the Internet and mass media.

His warnings dovetailed with the current government intention to clamp down on a section of the Malaysian press and blogosphere, which have been flexing their relished freedom in the last couple of years, very much to AAB’s consternation.


  1. hi kt, i am often amused by your insights. i enjoy your making a mountain out of a molehill, a short story into a long one. keep up the good work, i sometimes wonder what you do in real life with all the time to write and post. An unemployed writer or a billionaire media watcher? :D


  2. Aiyah, how can insights emerged from molehills' mountains lah ;-)

    Let's say I could well have the writer's equivalent of 'verbal diarrhoea' - can't stop.

    Yes, I am still an unemployed writer (which I aspire to be) but a fully employed employee - I wish I could blog 24/7, or write a book, but there's a small matter of bread & butter issue, and I can't blog when I am working.

    Billionair media watcher - now, you're leadng me into Fantasy-land ;-)

    Thanks for your encouragement.

  3. "Say, A doggy is nuttin' if he don't have a bone All doggy hold ya' bone, all doggy hold it"

    The recent events within Malaysia has had me thinking that nothing is what it seems.

    First, the RM490 million UK sports complex. Although Pak Lah has openly stated that the project would be a no-go if approval is not secured from the local authorities in UK, none of the cabinet ministers from UMNO has come out to support this contention, especially the Shylock from Pahang who is doing his best in kissing-up to USA; by buying M4 assault rifles and recently 'kow-towing' to the US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld in Singapore. in fact, some of the ministers have even promised to pursue this issue to the very end i.e. Malaysia will build it. And one must also take into account that the Shylock was in UK tying up an arms the same time with the Tun Mamak Kangkang from Kubang Pasu who was also visiting UK for other 'reasons' (for brevity's sake, I shall name him Tun MK).

    Second, a lot of foolhardy Non-Malay Muslims seems to be fixated on a certain irrelevant Article 11 of our country's constitution. While Pak Lah has asked that those involved to cease and desist (and rightly so, but not because I support Islam...far from it), it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Mr. Lim Kit Siang, Ms. Sonia Randhawa, and others have continued to 'harp' on this matter. Nyonya Tahir and Moorthy and Lina Joy are abbrevations, a mere ripple in the ocean...much less a tsunami. Emotional charged, no doubt...but is it really that important, I would say NO. I am of the opinion this is not a fight worth fighting, for now.

    Third, the recent attack (most likely staged, like Chen Sui-Bian of Taiwan) on Tun MK in Kelantan. At first, I was shocked, but later remembering Tun MK's cunning and guile, I do believe this 'attack' will garner outpouring support and sympathy from the Malay majority. At the very least the 'attacks' will cast a shadow of doubt on Pak Lah; but not the UMNO ministers especially the Shylock from Pahang.

    Where does this all leads too, you may ask? Well, to the most important General Meeting in Malaysia...the UMNO General Assembly. The meeting that, for all intents and purposes, defines political life in Malaysia. The issue of National Pride, Islam As Supreme, and Tun MK being 'attacked' together with other fantastic Arabian Tales expounded by him are going to be used by delegates linked to Tun MK or the 18 HIGH PROFILE CORRUPTION INVESTIGATIONS that is now currently being undertaken by Pak Lah's administration.

    All of this would be used to weaken Pak Lah politically. It can mean two things...

    (A) Pak Lah would be forced to take actions contrary to his nature i.e. arbitrary use of ISA, permitting mass demonstrations i.e. show of strength by UMNO Youth; or
    (B) Pak Lah would be forced NOT to take any action i.e. investigations into the 18 suddenly ceases, Non-Muslim or/and Non-Malay problems are put into the backburner.

    Or (C) it would be the end of his short-lived career as Prime Minister.

    I have to agree with one blogger when he stated that Tun MK wishes to be king maker. He wants to rule from behind the scene ala Kabuki theatre. And a politically weak Pak Lah is of no use to us Malaysians. I would remind the Non-Malay-Muslim readers that the majority of this country's population is still composed of Malay-Muslims and Tun MK and his supporters are quite adept in stirring up communal issues to their advantage. He and his patron, Harun Idris, succeeded in doing that once in May 13, 1969. Who is to say that Shylock and Tun MK might not do the same thing, again? Does the Non-Malay-Muslim readers still remember how he manipulated and later 'suckerpunched' SUQIU in 2001? Communist, indeed.

    Remember, abuse and waste of our tax money is more important than written words on a piece of paper that can abjurated by...well...other means. If you were one the many to give Pak Lah the biggest majority ever in the 2004 general elections, remember that some things are more important than others.

    We've got your back covered, Pak Lah.

  4. Quote
    Third, the recent attack (most likely staged, like Chen Sui-Bian of Taiwan) on Tun MK in Kelantan. At first, I was shocked, but later remembering Tun MK's cunning and guile, ...

    You're really in full conspiratorial mode ;-). Incidentally I heard Chen was completely exonerated after an inquiry into that failed assassination.

    (A) Pak Lah would be forced to take actions contrary to his nature i.e. arbitrary use of ISA, permitting mass demonstrations i.e. show of strength by UMNO Youth;

    I don't know about the non-Malay-Muslims but thanks for warning us non-Muslims non-Malays. Should we stock up on the ikan masin, canned sardines and rice? ;-)
