
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Private Jottings of 'Another' Woman

I wonder what Ludwig would have thought of the situation I have just found myself in? Just a hint, it's like the final movement of his Piano Sonata No 14 in C sharp minor.

Yes, certainly stormy! And didn’t Rosen say it’s most unbridled in its representation of emotion?

Well, two hundred years after Ludwig wrote that unusual sonata, here I am in Beirut. Ludwig can have it if he was here today. I should have stuck to piano instead of national security and foreign affairs. Or, perhaps ballet – heheheh, now that would be a sight - I would have been a startling wonder in Snow White!

Well, our dear Hebraic friends are now worried – serve them right for going overboard with their '10 eyes for an eye' response. They are now right up to their Negev eyebrows in gore, with the whole world sickened by their Nazi behaviour - almost 400 Leb dead - nearly all civilians, 500,000 displaced and homeless, and US$1 billion in infrastructure damage.

And just my rotten luck to have an imbecile for a boss – that dolt had to fall for the neocon hardline advice and gave encouragement to those Old Testament hounds of hell. Like poor Colin had to do, I have to cover their rotten asses. And I had to make that stupid remark - when I return I'll sack that speech writer - just trust a man to refer to something like 'birth pangs'. He's probably a former FEMA staff.

Now that those rabbinic Talibans suddenly remember 1982, their Nam, complete with their own My Lai, with an Arabic name that sounded like S & S, they realise they’re caught in their own shit, expected to advance but militarily idiotic to do so – if they move in to occupy, they’ll be bogged down like us in Nam, or as they experienced in 82, picked off slowly by the Hez. What a disaster. And there won't be a Red Sea parting this time.

Oh, they'd move across the border alright, just to save face and then pull out real fast like a soldier being told his hooker has the crap. Then they want me to pick their circumcised dicks out of the Shiite fire. Asking for Europeans to stand between them and the Hez.

I warned that Texan hick those Shiites are nasty fighters, like the Viets – they never give up, they are utterly fearless. Didn't they kill around 300 of our marines years ago? So, dumbo's apocalyptic friends are now in deep shit, he wants to me to save their curly locked bearded faces, and con some Europeans into being the buffer.

You won’t get French fries for sure because those arrogant bastards will sarcastically remind us of ‘freedom fries’ – what an idiotic empty gesture by the GOP. Maybe Poles? Naa, they would have wised up after Iraq. OK then, some Romanians and Ukranians – those former Stalinists are easier to motivate – a few bucks here, an old aircraft there and they sell their mums down the Danube.

And of course we can depend on that sycophantic slimy sleazy limey. Pity that farting fatuous fascist bastard had been elected out of office.

The Ruskies are whom I would love to deal with – I went into national security for a chance to either nyet or da those dour looking Slavs, and maybe toss a couple of peppered vodka down the hatch with them. Afterall, what’s the use of my expensively acquired super fluent Russian here in Beirut or that other troublesome capital which everyone wants and claims to be the holiest city in the world - Jeez, oops sorry!

Well, I may be black but I am the most powerful woman in the world, outside of course, as dear ‘O’ rules inside. Now, that’s a smart black woman, making zillions with her syndicated TV shows, while poor old me can’t even get to use my beautiful Russian.

But I am not sure what I can do when the harm done by those rabid raving rabbinic Talibans will probably take a thousand years to solve. Ja, Herr van Beethoven, it'll be quasi una fantasia (almost a fantasy).

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