
Saturday, July 15, 2006

President Chirac: "Israel wishes to destroy Lebanon."

The Nazi regime is bombing Lebanon way beyond any articulated strategy or tactic to get the 2 captured Israeli soldiers back. It’s turned into a campaign of punitive harassment through blockade of the Levantine country and deliberate and wanton destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure, in the same manner it had perpetrated in Gaza. It has also bombed Hezbollah’s headquarters in an attempt to assassinate the Hezbollah leader.

Basically it’s a case of “I’m the most powerful force in the region, and I’ll pound you into submission to my will. You will do what I tell you or I’ll smash you back into the stone age.”

In one of the strongest statements from a world leader on the conflict, President Jacques Chirac of France said Israel appeared to ‘wish to destroy’ Lebanon.

For such a supposedly intelligent race, the Israelis seem to have forgotten that Hezbollah had trashed them before. If their brutal force could hardly intimidate the Palestinians, they must be dreaming to even think they can the redoubtable Shiites.

Well, true to form, a Hezbollah drone rigged with explosives rammed into an Israeli warship late on Friday, damaging the vessel. Israel's army confirmed that four soldiers were missing. The vessel was later towed back towards Israeli territorial waters. A fire on board had caused significant damage.

A Hezbollah spokesman warned Israel: "You wanted an open war, you will get an open war. It will be war at all levels ... to Haifa, and beyond Haifa."

Lebanon said US President George Bush had called Prime Minister Fuad Siniora of Lebanon to voice support for his government and pledged to exert pressure on Israel to limit damage inflicted on Lebanon. But Bush continues to lie as he had been doing. Contrary to his assurance, Bush is not pressuring Israel to halt strikes on targets in Lebanon. His spokesman said: "The president is not going to make military decisions for Israel."

The usual case of white man speaks with forked tongue.

Then in an obscene statement, the Pentagon notified Congress on Friday of plans to sell Israel jet fuel valued at up to $US210 million ‘to keep peace and security in the region’.

The Arab states cannot rely on the USA to ever be an impartial mediator.

Hezbollah is undoubtedly the most ferocious fighting militia in the Middle East. It had made Israel and the USA withdraw from Lebanon.

Part of the problem is an Israeli PM who is still working under the shadow of the monstrous Ariel Sharon, a legend in his own nation. Olmert feels he must be tougher than Sharon, but essentially he is bankrupt of ideas.

The losers are the people of Lebanon and Israel.


  1. Could you please post a link or reference Chirac's comment.

