
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Mega-Projects & Mega-Elegant-Silence

A few days ago a Malaysiakini reader Thai Eng wrote in to the online newpaper to disabuse us of any idea that PM AAB is serious about ending mega-projects, as AAB had proclaimed when he cancelled the ‘scenic' bridge. As an example, Thai Eng pointed out to the ludicrously conceived sports academy in Mother England - ‘Mother’ to some still crippled by cultural/historical cringe.

That it wasn't proposed by the PM himself doesn't hide the fact that it came from the government. Even if it is eventually cancelled, as it invariably have to be, the idiotic plan serves to accentuate its origin as an official intention, just as another matter, the 'half-past-six' textbook for the university course on ethnic relationship, was. Cancelling or withdrawing an ill-conceived plan doesn't erase the fact of the original intent.

Then there was the cancellation of the ‘scenic’ bridge. Now, AAB might have boasted he cancelled a mega-project but he has remained 'elegantly' silent over the mega-compensation bill, which shockingly costs more than the actual expense of building the bridge. Certainly one under AAB's administration for the Book of Amazing Malaysian Feats.

I won’t delve into the idiocy of the sports academy in faraway England since so many outraged Malaysians have already written in to give the PM and Sports Minister an earful. But it seems members of the Malaysian cabinet have this propensity to indulge in meaningless but extremely expensive adventures like Himalayan trekking, wrapping pyramids with flags, sending Boleh-nauts into space and god-knows what further useless schemes.

As for AAB’s promise to end mega-projects, don’t be disappointed by the inconsistency of his cakap (talk) not matching his bikin (actions), because he had already indicated his cakap ta-serupa bikin character (doesn’t walk his talk) in the launching of the multi-billion ringgit PORR project for Penang, rendered even worse by its award under questionable process.

Cancel mega-projects? Why not cancel mega-elegant-silence, and not just those selected variety that doesn't account for nor make transparent the details of mega-projects?

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