
Friday, July 28, 2006

Malaysia's Mr 'Forgetful'

Ibnu Hakeem wrote the following letter to Malaysia to comment on Anwar Ibrahim’s memory and the Bank Negara forex scandal:

I refer to the letter Forex loss: Anwar’s ‘I didn’t know’ claim curious. Anwar Ibrahim's denial of knowledge of Bank Negara’s forex losses is indeed curious. When the losses came to the fore in 1994-95, Anwar was already finance minister.

Anwar has said that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi made a mistake by appointing Nor Mohd Yakcop as Finance Minister II. But after Nor Mohd Yakcop was ‘fired’ following the forex scandal, it was Anwar who got Rashid Hussain to give Nor Mohd a job as managing director of RHB Research.

Then Anwar appointed Nor Mohd Yakcop chairman of Abrar Bhd - which also went bust. We cannot also forget Anwar's crony Wan Muhd Husni who was running Abrar with Nor Mohd Yakcop.

Abrar Bhd was Anwar's public listed vehicle. Another character involved in Abrar was Rahim Ghouse. Rahim Ghouse ran away to Australia and there is an arrest warrant on him till today.

These were all Anwar Ibrahim's Abrar boys.

Strange that Anwar is now denying all these. ‘Aa dia ingat, kita dah lupa kah?’ Even the name Abrar was short for Anwar bin Ibrahim.

Aiyoh, Anwar, lu mudah lupa lah! (Oh dear, Anwar, aren't you rather forgetful!)

(1) Malaysia's Mr 'I Was Surprised'
(2) Malaysia's Mr 'I Don't Know'
(3) Malaysia's Mr 'Not Responsible'

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