
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mahathir Criticised AAB's Performance as OIC Head

Dr Mahathir is really digging into AAB. He criticised the PM’s performance as head of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC).

I wonder to what extent Friday’s episode at KB had spurred this new round of criticism which now seems more personal than what had been the earlier case of queries over abandonment of Mahathir’s projects.

Mahathir said the PM representing Malaysia as the head of the OIC has done nothing significant in the last 3 years. For example, AAB had passively allowed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) caricuture insult to pass by uncommented when he ought to have at least defended Islam’s dignity.

Mahathir said: “Correctly, we should have initiated some action to defend the followers of Islam, because we have been entrusted with leading OIC.”

He went on to allege that foreigners no longer deem Malaysia a modern Islamic country capable of setting an example and leading the Muslim world.

“I don’t want to slander anyone. I just want to tell the truth. I hope we all think - Why is the good name of Malaysia deteriorating even though it’s just been introduced to the world?”

Personally I think Dr Mahathir has gone beyond his original campaign (I was going to use the word ‘crusade’ but perhaps I better not), which was limited to making AAB answer to what was alleged as the latter’s passive tolerance of his son-in-law’s intrusion into high level political decisions.

Mahthir has now shifted down to almost ad hominen gear - not quite personal yet, but it's verging close to that. I asked before, and I now ask again – has this more new scope of attack been galvanised by what Mahathir must have perceived as a very disrespectful and disgraceful physical attack on him at Kota Baru airport?

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