
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lebanon - Anwar Ibrahim advised against bias

Last week while in Australia for the convention on Shakespearean literature, Anwar Ibrahim told reporters that Israel's bombardment of Lebanon could enrage moderate Muslims across the world and encourage extremism.

Only 'could'?

I am not a Muslim and I can tell you I am already damn f**king furious, but then that's me, KTemoc, left wing looney socialist bastard. But a Chinese Malaysian woman I know very well as being not in the least interested in politics has voiced her anger at the Israeli atrocities to me in secret, confiding she felt a bit hesitant to reveal amongst her friends her new discovered rage, and whether her stand against the Israelis was appropriate since she was neither an Arab nor a Muslim?

I 'could' only advise her to continue with what her conscience and intelligence were telling her.

Anwar said anger was spreading among Muslims, including moderates and supporters of Israel's right to exist.

Moderate Muslims, yes, tolerant Muslims, yes, apathetic (not interested) Muslims, yes also, but Muslim supporters of Israel's right to exist? Well, I must admit I have been surprised but I suppose that's possible, and besides, who the hell am I to doubt Anwar on such matters.

He added the obvious that the mounting anger was not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world.

KTemoc would certainly agree with that, though I would have been less constrained with my language - I would have told those Australian reporters that the anger against Israel and the USA, and not just confined among Muslims, was more like an Aussie summer bushfire, travelling frighteningly like a roaring fiery runaway juggernaut at light speed.

Anwar said therefore it was important for Muslim leaders and Western nations to take a strong stand on the current crisis and to be unbiased with their criticism.

I wonder what sort of strong stand Anwar had in mind? Anyway, I hope Malaysian Muslim leaders will heed his advice and be unbiased when you blokes or lassies criticise.

Oh, by the way, now thinking about it, I may have somehow missed it, but I wonder what Anwar’s advice, stated in Canberra, 'to be unbiased' had implied? Was he advising Muslim leaders not to be biased against the Lebanese or the Israelis?

Since I am not a Muslim leader I take it I wasn't included in his addressing, and therefore intend to be as biased as my stomach tells me to, especially when I see an uneven match with innocents being slaughtered mercilessly.


  1. You make me proud bro.

    Go for the jugular!

    'Alang alang menyelok pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan!'

    Pull no punches ; take no prisoners!

    Die with glory than stay alive like a !$%^&* eunuch!

  2. I am surprised that Malaysian Christians aren't voicing their anger. Lebanon Christians are being killed too. But we know many of them are Israel apologists.

  3. Wow, bro MG58, you ARE like an Aussie summer bushfire, man!

    NMCM, I hope Malaysians would support the Palestinians and Lebanese not because they're from X or Y religion, but because they are suffering from oppression by the neighbourhood thug, who in turn is supported by the world's greatest criminal.

    When a thug barged into your house and smashed up your furniture and belongings including killing your brothers and sisters, what do you do? You hope for help from the neighbourhood, and in those Palestinians and Lebanese cases, the global neighbourhood.

  4. In your comment: ...I hope Malaysians would support the Palestinians and Lebanese not because they're from X or Y religion, but because they are suffering from oppression...

    Nicely said.

  5. "When a thug barged into your house and smashed up your furniture and belongings including killing your brothers and sisters, what do you do? You hope for help from the neighbourhood..."

    That sounds like what happened in May 13, 1969 and May 13, 1998...but no help was rendered from the 'neighbourhood', either literally or figuratively. And the sad thing is those very same thugs are the ones 'demanding' those that they have had intimidated and harrassed in the past (and probably in future, judging from the UPM video) to support them in condemning the actions of the Israelis.

    Sounds like a case of pot calling kettle black...

  6. Well, this is not about the local thugs; this is about Lebanon and Palestine. What happened here shouldn't prevent us from exercising our conscience for the Lebanese and Palestinians. We shouldn't link the two.

  7. aiyo...

    'Unbias' here is addressed to Australians audience, that they have to rise up against the war that's going on in the Middle East, and not be biased against Muslims or whether or not they are militants like Hizbollah.

    Sorry mate, but not everything is about you.

  8. Well I dunno, there is definitely truth in the allegations that innocent and harmless lebanese and palestinians are dying without reason, but how else would you really have expected an Israeli politician to act when Hizbollah deliberately and without any valid reason crossed the border, killed a couple of also 'innocent' troops who probably had wives or sisters or mothers and families, and kidnapped more, although there was an established peace in place. Had the leadership of Israel do nothing or release prisoners for the exchange, they would be accused of being 'soft' and will only be replaced in the next election by someone who is willing to do all this.When you think from the Israeli point of view, it is very obvious that they are being far too harsh on the local innocent villagers, but what else can they do when these guerillas hide in civilian settlements? And the lebanese government knowing all this and yet doing absolutely nothing...if you ask me the lebanese prime minister should have taken immediate steps to end the conflict by: 1.Promising to completely weed out Hizbollah militants and actually do so, and 2. On that basis, offer an immediate ceasefire - if unaccepted by Israel then it is obvious they are overstepping their boundaries by forcefully doing something that the Lebanese government has promised to do. And as for the bully scenario, you forgot to mention how 'we' cut off some of the bully's fingers without any reason and demanded he give us something for his fingers. When he attempts to retrieve his fingers (admittedly through aggresive and inhumane methods) we say hes attacking innocent 'us' and demand he stop (with us keeping the fingers)

  9. ktemoc,

    I am a Muslim & a Malay. I love coming here to read all yr articles.

    All I can say is that I am glad that you are what you are:-

    Quote: "I am not a Muslim and I can tell you I am already damn f**king furious, but then that's me, KTemoc, left wing looney socialist bastard..." Unquote.

    Thank you for speaking up against all form of injustices whether they are committed here or elsewhere.

    - Hani
