
Monday, July 10, 2006

In Space You Can't Hear Anyone Cry

The Star Online reported

“They live in dingy homes along the streets of Chow Kit in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Their mothers are drug addicts and sex workers. They sell their bodies to feed their habit, leaving the children in a world of their own."

"In the daytime, these children play in the vicinity of their makeshift homes and wait for their mothers to return. At night, some of them follow their mothers to work, sleeping on the pavements, while their mothers entertain the clients at home."

"It's a sad world punctuated by hope as kind souls from NGOs try their best to make life better for these forgotten children.”

Read here for more of the totally marginalised Malaysians forced to become sex workers. Yes, at night while gets paid for being humiliated, some of their children, by the hundreds in Chow Kit alone, sleep on the roadsides. Sometimes they go without food.

BTW, they are Malay Muslims. A couple of NGOs like Yayasan Salam Malaysia are helping those unfortunate neglected kids.

Yet we can spend millions sending people to climb Mt Everest which had been climbed to death already, or attempted to cover Egypt’s pyramids with flags.

And we even have Bolehnauts training to fly into space. But perhaps this may be a good idea because in space, one cannot see Chow Kit zone and the abandoned Malaysians.

If the government or the Kuala Lumpur city authorities are more precoccupied with knocking down Hindu temples and can't spare the time to look into this humanitarian disaster within our own compound, maybe PAS can spare a few of those dinars that Husam Musa was proposing for Kelantan to relieve the sufferings of the little kids of the Chow Kit area?

The show Alien starring Sigourney Weaver as warrant officer Ellen Ripley carried the tagline 'In Space No One Can Hear You Scream'. With apologies to the film producers, we Malaysians have our own version: 'In Space You Can't Hear Anyone Cry'.


  1. Haven't you got it yet ktemoc?
    These people are not Muslims.
    Sometimes your ignorance is galling.

  2. Because they have to sell their bodies for a living they aren't Muslims to you? They were born Muslims and they cannot leave the religion because of apostasy, so what does that make them?

    Do you think women peddle their bodies because they want to?

    Yes, my ignorance may be galling but my compassion for the down trodden has been fuelled by the bitterness of those people's lives.

  3. They aren't human for most people in Malaysia. In Malaysia you await your death. No one can help you in this situation. May God have mercy on their souls
