
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Height of .....!

Remember my wannabe doctor friend, the Aneh (elder brother) who went to India on daddy’s scholarship for a doctor’s degree but came back without one, though with lots of Indian/Bai jokes.

He taught me almost the entire series of “The height of ….. is ..... "

For example, “The height of nosiness is when 2 skeletons bonk on a hot tin roof”.

A more lengthy and ‘double’ was:

“The height of impertinence is a mouse bonking an elephant under a coconut tree, but when a coconut drops on the elephant’s head causing the elephant to say 'ouch', it is the height of arrogance for the mouse to pat the elephant on her bum and say ‘sorry I was too rough, my dear’”.

Well, I have learnt a new one today.

When Higher Education Minister Mustapa Mohamed, in his stubborn refusal to acknowledge the sheer seditious nature of the university textbook on so-called ethnic relationship – seditious in the opinion of acting Law Minister Mohd Nazri (UMNO) – attempted to pass the racist book as a guidebook rather than an official text, DAP Lim Kit Siang criticised him, stating:

“It is the height of irresponsibility on Mustapa’s part to try and minimise the gravity of the issue by claiming that it was only a ‘guidebook’ ignoring the fact that it was sold to UPM students since the start of its semester this January for RM9 a copy, or RM6 for a photostated copy.”

Height of irresponsibility – a Japanese minister would commit seppuku and a Western minister would resign, but alas, a Malaysian minister would act-dunno and cling on for dear life to any single blade of grass.

T'is the height of shamelessness.

UMNO's Book of Burning Bridges

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