
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Condoleezza Rice: Lebanese deaths are birth pangs

The Bush administration claims Iran and Syria are arming Hezbollah. Guess who is arming the terrorist state Israel?

The New York Times informed us that under Bush’s directive, the US is rushing a bunch of precision-guided bombs to Israel, for it to continue its slaughter of Lebanese civilians and maliciously destroy the Levantine country’s infrastructure.

The decision to ship the weapons was so rushed that there was relatively little debate within the White House. US military officers said the request for expedited delivery was unusual and indicated that Israel has many targets it plans to hit in Lebanon. On the other hand, though unlikely, it could also indicate a 1973 situation for the Jewish State when they ran dangerously short of ammo.

Will such an American abetment to the continuing Israeli rape of Lebanon provoke the mainly Sunni Arab governments, who have thus far been silent on the Jewish State’s attack of the Shiite Hezbollah? In fact, they had condemned Hezbollah instead.

We must also bear in mind that, apart from the Wahhabi Saudis regarding the Shiites as infidels and worse than Israelis, the principal Arab States in that region, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, apart from being beholden to the USA, are worried about the spread of Iranian influence in the region via Hezbollah and Hamas

Ironically, Hamas fell under Iranian influence because of the latter's financial assistance at a time when the Arab states failed to support the Palestinan Authority after its finances were embargoed by Israel and the USA .

Apart from rushing more weapons of death to Israel, the US Secretary of State has refused to order its ally to cease the bombardment. Instead, in one of the most obscene insensitive statements coming out from the US, she described the sufferings of Lebanon as a part of the ‘birth pangs’ of a new Middle East and that Israel should ignore calls for a ceasefire.

Condoleezza Rice obviously is a creature (I couldn't bring myself to describe her as a human being) who couldn’t distinguish between births and deaths, between new lives and unmitigated murders. She has blasphemied by terming the deaths of many innocent Lebanese civilians, including many children, as 'birth pangs'.

Perhaps, she could be excused for her obscene confusion, because apart from being personally unqualified to know about birth pangs, she is afterall a Bush Administration official talking about the sufferings of Arabs.

She had also conveniently failed to mentioned that the recent targets of the Israeli (and US abetted) massacring, namely Palestine and Lebanon, are, ironically, the only two true Arab democracies in that region. I recall the Yanks demanding for democracy there, and indeed I remember President Bush and Condoleezza Rice herself praising the elected Lebanese government of Fouad Siniora.

But obviously, like the Hamas case, mere democracy is not good enough unless Israel has approved the Arab governments. Therefore the Yanks now believe that Lebanese and Palestinians must re-vote until a ‘new’ Middle East is re-born with the blessing of Imperator Israel, but of course only after the Israeli midwife helps rid the old democracy with a rusty coat hanger wire, supplied by the Americans.


  1. you should watch this too.

  2. great stuff, though I don't see any Israeli spokesman, no matter how eloquent or even a spinmeister, could slip away from the fcat of Israeli war crimes when answering a fair and experienced interviewer. What we had seen before in some western media were pro-Israeli channnels or those afraid to be seen as anti-Semitic - the Europenas still suffer a collective guilt over the Holocaust.
