
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Children from Hell

We have witnessed the drastic draconian & deadly Israeli behaviour to punish the Palestinians, cutting off the Palestinian own tax revenue, preventing through its slave, the USA, the funding of the Palestinian administration, killing Palestinian children and women, taking their ministers hostages with impunity, cutting off electricity and water, and cordoning them in ghettos (remember this word, Israelis, it's supposedly in your heritage).

We also witness what Europeans have termed Israeli action as collective punishments (what the European predecessors of Israelis suffered from) of all Palestinians living in the Israeli Bantustan.

From these, I am immediately reminded of what the Nazis did to the Jews and Europeans (Czechs, Poles) during WWII.

While the Europeans might believe they have a blood debt to the Jews of Europe and around the world, I believe the Israelis have since then wiped that page of the moral ledger out completely. The children of the Holocaust have become the children from Hell.

Rather, the world now owes the Palestinian a debt for letting live under the jackboots of the, Seig Heil, Israelis sturmtroopers.

Send a Nazi swastika to the Israeli military through the nearest Israeli embassy, with a message: "Your military should wear this when they next bomb, rocket or shoot Palestinian women and children."

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