
Friday, July 28, 2006

Assailant of Mahathir Identified?

Well, it seems, of the 3 versions I brought up of what had occurred when Dr Mahathir was attacked with mace, the actual version, according to Raja Petra Kamarudin of Malaysia-Today, seems to be a combination of my Versions 1 and 3.

Malaysia-Today reported:

According to the latest report received by Malaysia Today, Datuk Nik Safia bin Nik Yussof was the ‘unidentified person’ who sprayed Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with either mace or pepper spray.

Datuk Nik Safia, one-time Deputy Chairman of Umno Kuala Kerai, had earlier stormed into the airport with six tough-looking bouncers in boots and leather jackets and confronted Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad (ex-Member of Parliament Kok Lanas). He then demanded that he be allowed to ‘take’ Tun Dr Mahathir.

Tan Sri Abdullah would not engage Datuk Nik Safia who then said that he would ‘take’ Mahathir at all costs.When Mahathir arrived he was ushered into Datuk Ibrahim Ali’s Pajero. Datuk Nik Safia then sprayed mace into the Pajero and grabbed the shocked Mahathir and bundled him into his (Datuk Nik Safia) own car and zoomed off.

If Nik Safia bin Nik Yusof has been reported as a Mahathir's supporter, why then did he allegedly spray mace into the Pajero where the Grand Ole Man was? Stranger and stranger!

Meanwhile Malaysiakini reported:

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi expressed regret and anger over the attack on his predecessor Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the Kota Bharu airport in Kelantan this morning. The premier said he has instructed the police to conduct an immediate investigation and take stern action against those responsible.

"I regret and am very angry such an incident has happened," he told Bernama, adding that the police had informed him of the incident.

"I have directed Deputy Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan for the police to take immediate action to probe the incident and to take stern action against those who committed the act," he said. Abdullah said those responsible for the incident should be severely punished.

Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang on his blog condemned the attack as despicable and contemptible. He said Dr Mahathir "like any other Malaysian, ... should have freedom of movement, speech and expression without fear of loutish and gangsterish elements taking the law into their own hands."

The NST which was dragging its heels in reporting this monumental piece of high drama involving the previous PM, finally (and probably reluctantly) broke into print at a very late 4:55 pm with a few niggardly paragraphs. It quoted Dr Mahathir saying:

Dr Mahathir told reporters at his hotel later that it was his first experience and he felt pain in his eyes, nose and throat.

"I know there are plans to stop me from speaking but to do this, I think is a sign of desperation. I will continue to speak, I don't give up so easily," he said.

Dr Mahathir said he did not want to point fingers but the fact is that those involved do not have to resort to such action to stop him.

He reiterated that he is an Umno man and support Umno strongly and is not on the other side of the fence.

If Dr Mahathir said that, obviously he wasn't referring to one of his over enthusiastic supporters accidentally spraying him with mace, or the alleged culprit Nik Safia isn't a supporter.


  1. Hey, if anybody wanted to silence the Mamak Kangkang for good, don't you think it would be far more effective via the use of an explosive vest ala Iraqi style...

    Nah, I believe it's merely a show put on by Dr. M aka mamak kangkang in order to garner sympathy and provoke outpouring support.

    But of course, there will be a lot of gullible morons who will think a 'conspiracy' has been hatched to 'silence' and 'intimidate' their 'Kerala Idol'.

    And you know what the funny part, Ktemoc? Lim Kit Siang is actually defending MK's right to freedom of speech, although the MK has consistently denied that very right to LKS during MK's term in power. Maybe LKS is a moron too...

  2. To the writer above,

    To me , you are the idiot !

    LKS is right in upholding the principle of free speech even though the person who was attacked was his arch rival.

  3. so you don't agree with that guy, and you spray paint him? what next, hire assasins? too bad this is looking more and more a likely reality. people don't know the word 'debate' anymore?
    malaysia politic is turning for the worse.

  4. "Datuk Nik Safia then sprayed mace into the Pajero and grabbed the shocked Mahathir and bundled him into his (Datuk Nik Safia) own car and zoomed off."

    Assult and kidnapping. Shouldn't this guy be detained and questioned for the motive of his action?

  5. Hei, ali allah ditta yoiu seem very happy when Mahathir goes Singapore bashing. Let me ask you Why can't the Malays admit that they f:::ed it up when they kicked Singapore out of the Federation. You think the world do not know that the Malays kicked Singapore out of the Federation in order to "starve" it into submission as it had no tin nor rubber. At the same time Syed Hamid's father was in Johor Baru waving a parang and trying to incite the Malays in Singapore to
    Well, the strategy failed, Singapore prevailed and has beaten Malaysia in many endeavours
    since 1965. The Malays are probably the only people in the world to stupidly give up sovereign terrority. Other nations go to war over lesser matters. Now, all the Malays can do is to bash Singapore in order to cover their own stupidity as they know Singapore is gone from their grasp forever.
    Unfortunately, the Penang Chinese were too chicken shit to go their own way when the Tunku applied the same strategy against Gerakan. Imagine two sovereign nations mere kilometres from the Peninsular. The Malays almost became international idiots two times within a decade. Sadly, all that noise over the bridge shows the Malays have yet to see the folly of their ways.
    The Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore are not as chicken hearted as the Malays think they are. Try to remember that.
