
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Anwar Ibrahim - Pot Calling Kettle Black

Anwar Ibrahim told Malaysiakini that the MCA, Gerakan and MIC ministers have no balls to dare speak up for Chinese or Indian interests in the cabinet.

He boasted (after he was no longer in UMNO):
“I asked [the Malays], is there something wrong against Malay interests, or Islam, when you have 20 public institutions [universities] in the country and you have five Chinese vice-chancellors, or three or two Indians, or one or two non-Muslim bumiputera?”

“These are qualified people, and I challenged them (the crowd) to make sure that the universities excel in academic standards. Make sure that the Chinese, Indians and Malays are treated equally ... These are the things that we should do because only then we are presenting the case that we trust each other - the Chinese, the Malays and the Indians.”

“But we don't seem to be able to do that. Of course, you can't expect, MCA, Gerakan or MIC to say or articulate anything about this.”

“It is not because they [MCA, Gerakan, MIC] do not want to raise sensitive issues with Umno."

"My experience in the cabinet, the non-Malay leaders unfortunately don't take the issues up ... even if the issues are not very sensitive to the prime minister. They won't say: ‘We consider whether this brilliant Chinese academic could head this public university’. They wouldn't dare! But what will they ask for? (They ask) can we participate in the Klang Port privatisation?”

But when Malaysiakini asked him what about decisions he had made when he was at the Treasury, he replied:

“Even at the Treasury, sometimes with the best of intentions, the Treasury gave strong advice but I was not able to do it, like the airport you said I was appointed chairman of the (Kuala Lumpur International) airport, but only because the prime minister appointed me”

See, he was against it but he couldn’t go against 'evil' Mahathir who was insistent that KL International be moved to Sepang.

Reminded he was then in charge of the Bakun project, he explained:
“And the Bakun dam project in Sarawak - I said that it would proceed after the evaluation by the EIA (environmental impact assessment) but Mahathir announced it before the evaluation was made.”

Again Mr Faultless didn’t have anything to do with that project. T’was that 'evil' Mahathir again.

Finally he said
“Some said that I should have been more firm but I wasn’t. But if I had done that, I would have been sacked in 1993.”

"I would have been sacked in 1993?"
Poor frightened little Anwar.

But well, here’s an admission of being afraid for his own position from someone who had just criticised MCA, Gerakan and MIC ministers for not having the balls to speak up.

But then, he’s Anwar Ibrahim, isn’t he?

1 comment:

  1. Anwar Ibrahim is the ultimate car salesman. He tells you EXACTLY what you want to hear.

    Back in the 80's he was propagating Malay Power, Bangsa Asing propaganda through the Biro Tatanegara during scholarship orientations and now he's doing a 180°.

    Same thing with the NEP.


    He'll do whatever it takes to get him into power.

    Chuck him back into the slammer, we don't need morons like him around.
