
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Anwar Ibrahim: "Mahathir held RM 8 billion"

When Anwar Ibrahim mentioned that Mahathir had committed major crimes, Malaysiakini asked the former whether the latter should go to jail for what he did?

What a silly question.

Anwar replied most nobly that he has always believed crooks, the corrupt, the dictators and those who squandered money and destroyed the country must pay for their crimes.

He claimed that he raised issues about Daim Zainuddin in 1998, all furnished with evidence, documents and letters but Mahathir had neutralised any possibility of investigation. He averred that the case involved more than just petty cash, in fact hundreds of millions.

He said:
“A billion from that particular (Umno-linked tycoon) Anuar Othman - of course, I had said RM 600 million then because I had to be conservative in the amount as they would accuse me of exaggeration.”

Of course we have always known that Anwar has been conservative.

“Another billion through (then New Straits Times Group owner) Realmild - which was my general perception - but then I gave evidence that 70 percent was held in the personal holding of Mahathir. Of course if asked, they would say that it belonged to Umno. That was how I came up with the RM 8 billion figure. So most of it involved Mahathir and of course, Daim.”

Malaysiakini was shocked and asked Anwar to confirm that he was really saying UMNO has RM 8 billion in its account?

Anwar replied:
“Well, Mahathir held it with Daim and they claimed to be holding it for Umno. But I don't believe that. Even if it was Umno's, I have asked them to explain how the money was raised. I was the deputy president but no notes were given, no records were given. No one tabled anything to the political bureau ... I'm not complaining because I am out of it, but they have to explain. Some amount may be deemed to be reasonable. Some company may donate here and there but ...”

Yes, Anwar is not complaining, but it seems from I have heard, that in such party cash collections, political parties usually leave deputy presidents completely out of the loop. Poor fellow, treated like a mushroom, you know, one kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t.

Then he told Malaysiakini that not all those cash has been accounted for.

He said:
“None. What I said about the letters by Tajuddin Ramli, Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah in the earlier court applications, and in the case of Umno-linked companies Hati Budi and Realmild ... none was accounted for. Well, that was the system under Mahathir. One can imagine all the states - they have their own system.”

Anwar then revealed that each state UMNO has a separate account. He said:
“Yes, but a smaller account under the party's name.”

But wait, he averred that there was an exception to all the non-accountable nonsense.

“Like in Penang when I took over, there was no money but when I surrendered it, there was money ... about RM 1 million.”

Thank goodness it was not during Mr Clean’s time. I feel so relieved.

He explained why:
“Interestingly enough, every time there is a change of mentri besar or when there is a change of ketua perhubungan (state liaison chief), there will be no money left in the account ... so that is the system.”

But, according to his personal experience, after he the state chief had left, unusually the money would magically appear (instead of 'disappear').

I must admit that this is the part I couldn't follow. I find it all very confusing because silly olde me would have thought, with UMNO being so corrupt, it would have been the other way around, the usual way, that when a chief leaves, the cash disappears with him, rather than appears.

But then, what do I know about politics and cash. I should stop trying to work it out (when it's patently beyond me) and just accept Anwar's words as the gospel truth. He's never wrong, you know.

Then he revealed a bright shining beacon of hope amidst all the corrupt gloom.

“But I must say here as far as Permatang Pauh and Umno Pulau Pinang, they were very transparent and can be checked as every single donation for the elections was recorded.”

Amazing! In the nationwide murky stinking rotten UMNO cesspool, thank goodness for an island of honesty in Permatang Pauh. By the way, can anyone please tell me who was the UMNO MP there, then. I want to shake his hands for his unusual unique honesty.

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