
Friday, June 02, 2006

One Born Every Minute (2)

A 23-year-old housewife told her aunt about her marital problems. The aunt suggested she sought occult assistance from a bomoh, (Malay witch doctor) so together with her encouraging aunt, she went to the man’s house. Dr Red-Eye Toyol* said no worries, that he could solve her problems.

* see Return of the Red-Eye Toyol

He instructed her to wear just a sarong and lie on a bed in the treatment room. And to obtain the correct spiritual atmosphere the bomoh filled the room with kemenyan (incense) smoke. Then he brushed his body against hers, just as a warm-up because there's more to cum, eh I mean, come. He then fondled her.

She claimed that she initially resisted but heeding advice from her aunt not to, or even scream when the bomoh touched her, she submitted to his inevitable rape.

Later, the woman, feeling suspicious about the way she had been treated by the bomoh who used his ‘divine wand’ on her, told her husband about the incident, which led to her lodging a police report.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, that she subsequently felt ‘suspicious’ of the treatment.

Related: One Born Every Minute

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