
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Humpty Dumpty blasted King Sabo

Trust ole Humpty Dumpty to fire one mighty broadside on King Sabo.

He virtually thumbed his nose at the latter by asking:

"Who is he? Who is Kayveas to tell us what to do? He is not even a minister. That is his problem. He is not even in the Cabinet. We are full ministers and we have direct access to the Prime Minister. If Kayveas wants to be a minister, ask him to see the Prime Minister and ask him to be made a minister. No one has to advise us on what to do except the Prime Minister."

Ayoyo, tambi. Your aneh has given you the ultimate insult. It must have really hurt for Kayveas to be reminded he’s not even a minister. Ole Humpty had not only stabbed the knife in deep beneath King Sabo's 5th rib but twisted the knife real good and proper as well.

Kayveas has not lacked in his efforts to shore up his own position and revitalise his virtually one-man PPP. He had made several strenuous and sometimes silly attempts to be noticed. Calling for the Gang of 9 to resign en bloc when the PM had already closed the matter with all UMNO ministers helping to cool down the situation has been one such desperate attempt which certainly won't endear him to the other parties including UMNO.

Of course, apart from trying to be clever by half, he has been peeved that the MIC, MCA and Gerakan had overlooked him in the memorandum affair.

He has made noises here and there, but generally his BN colleagues had ignored him. He realises he’s just small fry, and unless he continues to makes himself noticed, even in a backbiting and annoying way, he and the PPP will eventually disappear into the void.

The PPP of its glorious years was of course so different from what it has become today, a very minor and sometimes easily forgotten member of the Barisan Nasional. When the Seenivasegam brothers were in charge, they were the ‘Kings’ of Ipoh, politically unbeatable, untouchable and totally invincible. In this, many of the veteran PPP members must be wishing for the good ole days, which unfortunately they had completely forfeited themselves from, when their party joined the Barisan Nasional.

I dare say that PM Abdullah Badawi must be wishing secretly the PPP would do the obliging step and commit political seppuku or at least make itself disappear into thin air. In each pre-election, the PPP stood out like a sore thumb for Badawi and previously, Mahathir, when it came to the difficult task of distributing the seats among the major players. They must have found that trying to factor in the PPP was an annoying nuisance. The last election saw Kayveas throwing a tantrum when he was thrown an iffy constituency.

Unfortunately Badawi couldn't expel or openly ignore the PPP as that might send a wrong and worrying message to the other coalition members. He had to accommodate the PPP as best as he possibly could tolerate the frantic antics of Kayveas, who unfortunately for Badawi has not been exactly the sort of bloke anyone could easily silence.

The PPP of yore was very similar in ideology to the DAP. Maybe those older members would be better off joining the DAP. But if they wish to remain within the Barisan nasional, then there's always the MCA, Gerakan and indeed the MIC. The reality for the PPP is that today it has become a nothing party. In a way I must take my hat off to Kayveas for attempting to make the PPP still relevant. It's a futile effort but he now has more reason than ever to keep trying as he won't be very welcomed anywhere.

Just think, that at one time some political observers suggested Humpty Dumpty might have considered him as a possible deputy in the MIC to replace Subramaniam. Well, Kayveas has certainly burned that particular bridge.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! that's a very public slap in the face. Can anyone recover from such a humiliation?
