
Monday, December 26, 2005

9/11 Re-Visited - Questions! Questions! Questions!

Please note the dates in Commonwealth (not American) style of dating, namely day followed by month followed by year respectively.

19 terrorists flew into 3 buildings - the Twin Towers and Pentagon. One other airline was shot down by the USAF (analysed from the trail of debris) though the Americans claimed that the aircraft crashed because of the heoric struggle of some passengers - I suppose that sounded better to the families of the victims

15 of the 19 terrorists were identified as Saudis. the other 4 were Egyptians.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair publicly presented a paper averring he possessed proof that al Qaeda was responsible. Colin Powell and other US officials had promised on September 23 that the US would present a paper containing such evidence. However, the US paper was never released.

Blair claimed that one of bin Laden's closest lieutenants said he helped with the planning of the September 11 attacks, admitting the involvement of the al Qaeda. Blair went on to say he had other more telling intelligence which he couldn't then disclose. Since then, there was never ever any confirmation or details of Blair's claims.

One month later - November 2001
After the US invaded Afghanistan, the "proof" that Blair asserted he saw or had one month earlier was miraculously found by US forces in a videotape from a destroyed house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

The tape showed Osama bin Laden talking to Khaled al-Harbi, admitting to planning the attacks. Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, Osama had denied responsibility for the attacks, not once but twice. A proud terrorist responsible for many attacks on American assets, he was hardly shy about claiming responsibility.

The Muslim world questioned the autheticity of the tape. BBC's Middle East correspondent, Frank Gardner said that many in the Arab world believed the tape was a fake, a cover up gimmick dreamed up by the US administration.

KTemoc couldn't help but note that Blair had averred he possesed proof which was never ever confirmed, and the Americans especially Colin Powell shied away from an earlier and similar promise to reveal the same evidence in late September 2003. The tape discovered in Afghanistan ONE MONTH AFTER Blair's claims became the ONLY evidence of sorts attributing responsibility to Osama bin Laden.

KTemoc also wonders what if 15 of the attackers were Iraqis?
KTemoc also wonders what if 15 of the attackers were Iranians?
KTemoc also wonders what if 15 of the attackers were Syrians?

But blast! - they had to be Saudis!

KTemoc also wonders what if the other 4 attackers were Iraqis?
KTemoc also wonders what if the other 4 attackers were Iranians?
KTemoc also wonders what if the other 4 attackers were Syrians?

But blast! - they had to be Egyptians!

Who would be the best scapegoat without implicating the Saudi government?


  1. You mentioned you would follow the British format in presenting the dates, ie, day/month/year. We are so used to seeing the key date "9/11" so much so that I think it has tripped you up in the very first annotation here. You have typed "9/11/2001" when I believe you have meant to type: "11/9/2001". ;-)

  2. ;-) blush blush Thanks - corrected
