
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Who're the TERRORISTS?


Who're the TERRORISTS?

The ones who put explosives in people's pagers, or the users of the pagers



If you read some right-wing pro-Israeli news media, you would imagine it's the other way around.


  1. Pagers issued by a militant organisation are legitimate military targets.

  2. In my organisation, there are some two dozen Company-issued mobile phones together with company-paid subscriptions, intended for key personnel to use for business purposes.
    My business is all legit , no worries.

    However, I can well imagine, IF I were involved in illegal or violent activities , these phones would be targets for law enforcement.

    Aa for a militant organisation dedicated to Death To Israel, whoever carries these "company officially issued communications devices" distributed by the militant organisation is a legal amd legitimate target for Israel.

    These are NOT innocent civilians.

  3. These mfering Zionists ass-kissers r just blind devoted followers par excellent!

    They never understand WHY the Jew r been treated so inhumanely throughout their long history of migrations. They always blame the various oppressors w/o realising the WHY of the oppressions been exercised on the Jews.

    The Jew r known to be obsessed with monetary gains. They can do ANYTHING within human thinkings to achieve that aim.

    That Nazis small moustache man could single handedly motivate the whole Germany to help him achieving his aim of Judas's extermination no less had that plays of whole German hatred of that Jewish societal manipulations for monetary gains by ALL means!

    That same scenes happened throughout the whole of Europe!
