
Friday, September 13, 2024

Stop being divisive if you want non-Malay support, PAS told



Stop being divisive if you

want non-Malay support,

PAS told


Tanah Rata assemblyman Ho Chi Yang says PAS leaders should understand and respect the political demands of non-Malays to win their support.

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Ho Chi Yang
Tanah Rata assemblyman Ho Chi Yang said PAS cannot disparage the mother tongue of non-Malays but seek their votes at the same time.  (Facebook pic)

PAS should stop playing up racial or religious issues if it wants to win the support of non-Malays, says a DAP assemblyman.

Tanah Rata assemblyman Ho Chi Yang said PAS cannot disparage the mother tongue of non-Malays and also seek their votes, Oriental Daily reported.

He added that PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man seemed to be contradicting himself by speaking of the need to woo non-Malays, yet claiming the use of their mother tongue leads to distrust among the Malays.

If PAS wants to win non-Malay support, its leaders should understand and respect the political demands of non-Malays instead of continuing to provoke division with extreme rhetoric,
 he added.

Yesterday, Tuan Ibrahim told the PAS Youth muktamar that it should focus on wooing the support of non-Malays so that the Islamic party can helm the federal government.

He claimed the party had been the victim of slander by its rivals and painted as extreme, resulting in the non-Malays fearing PAS.

Today, Malaysiakini quoted the Pahang opposition leader as saying distrust was a major cause of division in Malaysia and that this was in turn caused by the use of vernacular languages.

Tuan Ibrahim claimed that the Chinese and Indian community’s use of their mother tongue would cause negative assumptions, and said this was why the Malay language should be the 

intermediary language

At the PAS Youth muktamar, the wing’s head, Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden, urged members to learn Mandarin and Tamil if it helped them engage with non-Malays and win their support.

1 comment:

  1. Nons must learn to bow down and accept the reality, they are just Dhimmis in an Islamic Caliphate in the making.
