
Friday, September 13, 2024

S'gor PAS Youth: Don't just woo non-Malays, marry them to get their votes

S'gor PAS Youth: Don't just woo non-Malays, marry them to get their votes

Hariz Mohd & N Faizal Ghazali
Published: Sep 12, 2024 6:27 PM

PAS MUKTAMAR | PAS Youth leaders should take wives from different races and cultures to get non-Malay votes, a delegate to its 65th muktamar has suggested today.

Selangor PAS Youth secretary Aubidullah Fahim Ibrahim said such a tactic can win the party 10 or even hundreds of supporters.

"Selangor (PAS Youth) members have a suggestion. Too bad the PAS Youth chief (Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden) is not here right now to listen to this idea.

"We want to suggest that leaders of this youth wing commit cross-ethnic or cross-cultural marriage.

"The reason is that when we marry someone from another ethnicity or culture, we would not win only one more vote, but insyaAllah, we will be able to get 10 or even hundreds of votes from the non-Malays or non-Muslims," he remarked, to the laughter and noises from the floor.

Adding further, the Selangor PAS Youth delegate "challenged" Afnan and his central committee members to take up the suggestion.

Aubidullah (above) also said in jest that Selangor PAS Youth chief Mohamed Sukri Omar would be leading the way.

Earlier in his speech, Aubidullah also urged PAS youth members to start working towards garnering votes from young voters by making use of various popular platforms among the age group.

These include e-sports activities, which he said have huge followings, and PAS Youth can engage members who are familiar with the activities to get close to its enthusiasts.


kt comments:

He disgusts me with his lack of propriety, integrity and lack of respect for a sacred institution, that of marriage. But then he is from PAS.


  1. Marry them?


    A desperados fart of inconsequential.


    Works ONLY when hotel California is been totally dismantled!

  2. u ingat u jenis pedigri ke, semua berebut2 nak

  3. PAS today is drunk on power and the prospect of Top power.

    There is a high probability, maybe not the coming GE, but further down, that we have a PAS-led Federal Government. as well as majority of the States.

    Sabah and Sarawak will fall Iine once they see which way the wind is blowing... perhaps with secession in mind if things get unacceptable.
