
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Racist Trump spews hate again toward Ohio’s Haitian migrants



‘They’ve destroyed the place’: Trump repeats racist, anti-immigrant lies

Trump spews hate again toward Ohio’s Haitian migrants, where residents are fearful over bomb threats and hate

Donald Trump holds a news conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, on Friday. Photograph: Caroline Brehman/EPA

Donald Trump repeated racist claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, on Friday, doubling down on anti-immigrant rhetoric as residents in the town have faced bomb threats and have detailed their fears amid harassment.

“In Springfield, Ohio, 20,000 illegal migrant Haitians have descended upon a town of 58,000 people, destroying their way of life. They’ve destroyed the place,” Trump said during a rambling press conference at his golf course in Los Angeles. “People don’t like to talk about it. Even the town doesn’t like to talk about it, because it sounds so bad for the town. They live there … for years it was a great place. Safe. Nice. Now they have 20,000 and I actually heard today it’s 32,000.”

He later added: “We will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio, large deportations. We’re gonna get these people out. We’re bringing them back to Venezuela,” stating the incorrect country where most of the immigrants are from.

Haiti is one of 16 countries the US government has granted temporary protective status (TPS) to because of ongoing conflict, making it easier for immigrants to get authorization to work in the United States. As president, Trump tried to end TPS for Haiti and referred to the country as a “shithole”.

Trump’s comments come after Tuesday’s presidential debate in which he first repeated the false claim that migrants in Springfield are stealing and eating people’s dogs and cats. The claim has been repeatedly debunked.

Springfield has received several bomb threats this week, prompting it to close its government buildings and evacuate its schools. Haitian residents in the town have reported receiving severe threats and harassment, according to the Haitian Times.

JD Vance, who represents the residents of Springfield as Ohio’s US senator, continued to attack the town on Friday, leaning into racist tropes that immigrants were responsible for bringing disease and crime to the community.

Just before Trump spoke in California, Joe Biden condemned his attacks on Haitians in Springfield.

“A community that’s under attack in our country right now. It’s simply wrong. There’s no place in America. This has to stop – what he’s doing. It has to stop,” Biden said at the White House.


  1. may have actually happened....the "disappearance" of dogs or cats...especially strays that would likely go unnoticed...

  2. For info.


    KABOOM‼️ 💣💣💣💥💥

    Pastor Realized just how Important Trumps ‘They’re Eating Cats and Dogs’ Statement was at the Debate

    “When President Trump talked about eating cats and dogs… I thought he had gone senile…

    But there are things people don’t know and understand that he was strategically trying to put out….

    • When it comes to Haitians, They got you thinking race, he just hates those black folks… NO! It’s about culture! Voodoo Culture requires sacrifice!

    • Even those Venezuelan gangs, they are bringing their culture!

    “Trumps was smart enough to put it out because he knew it would make people start talking about it and start looking…. And whether or not you hate him or not, it’s the truth.”


  3. The first attack was CV19, thereafter the jab.

    Subsequently, there were talk of second round of pandemic within a span of three years, various options were being put out, by such people like Microsoft last mpox was the choice but seems inertia is making it not picking up like cv19.

    Then, there was climate change, for which we sense something in operation, given several places suffering severe flooding, Japan, Phippines, Hainan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myammar, Malaydia, Central and Eastern Europe, The Carolinas of US...

    There were talk also of central bank digital coin and shutting down the internet, for which the Madani gov has its own version, which thus far, not picking up.

    But, we will see how. Nov 5 not long to go...


    🚨 Donald Trump forced the United Nations to Speed up their Agenda — THIS WEEK, the UN is Meeting in New York to Install Three Global Governance Tools, and barely anyone is talking about it…

    “These are the last pieces to put in place to turn on a global governance machine.”

    • There was a very clear plan they had for the future… with Barrack Obama, they were in great shape… and Hillary was easily going to win. They believed there would be 16 straight years of slow movement towards this agenda.
    —— 16 year plan to destroy America
    —— they never thought she would lose.

    But then came along Donald Trump like a hand grenade in the room and screwed it all up…

    • The UN aims to have Three international Agreements signed THIS WEEK!
    1. The Pact for the Future
    2. The Declaration on Future Generations
    3. The Global Digital Compact


    • the language in this pact includes all kinds of vague socialistic jargon…

    • In this pact however, the true intention is to get member states to agree to put policies into place ESG social credit scores into banking, so they could impose left-wing values through the financial system.

    • In this pact, there’s the promise from member states to have universal access to sexual and reproductive health for women
    —— this agreement includes universal access to abortion.

    • this pact calls for an emergency platform, which the UN Secretary General asked for as part of our common agenda.

    • The UN Secretary General, in the event of a ‘Global Shock’, which he gets to define, all kinds of vague powers to deal with the ‘Global Shock’ event, no matter where it is in the world.
    —— at the end of the the period to react, the UN Secretary General gets to decide if he can renew his powers, over and over again.


    • The United Nations would create an entire new office to get young people more involved with the United Nations and their agendas…

    • Vague promises and powers to combat ‘Climate Change’

    • Eliminating all forms of persistent historical and structural ‘inequalities’, including by acknowledging, addressing, and remedying past tragedies and their consequences
    —— this is a “catch-all” to do ANYTHING they want.


    • this would elevate the United Nations to be the global regulator of emerging technologies, especially in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    —— “this includes the idea to embed left-wing social values into everything AI to ensure that its not promoting “hate speech”, OR “Misinformation/Disinformation”…

    • this agreement would provide financial backings to Media to say the things they want to promote or dispose.

    • this agreement would create a global governance group within the United Nations to combat “misinformation” in every country on earth.

    Glenn Beck goes on to say that he feels we may be entering the realm of the anti-Christ…

    Stay in prayer everyone.
    I have faith God has plans for us……
