
Thursday, September 12, 2024

No political mileage so Akmal, PN gang not keen to harp on 402 kids rescued from ‘religious charity’ exploit?

Focus Malaysia:

No political mileage so Akmal, PN gang not keen to harp on 402 kids rescued from ‘religious charity’ exploit?

Editor’s Note: UMNO Youth chief Datuk Muhamad Akmal Saleh has just responded (which is slow by his standards) to the police raid that if the incident is true, then “the government should ban the organisation (Global Ikhwan Group) and mete out the heaviest punishment on the perpetrators”.

“Anyone who has information or is in the same situation about such misleading teaching of Islam shouldn’t be afraid to inform the authorities,” he reacted on his Facebook page.

“We also request the authorities to raid and investigate each of their branches and make sure this does not happen elsewhere. This is not Islam – this is the teachings of the devil.”

Jika benar ini berlaku maka kerajaan dah boleh haramkan pertubuhan ini dan hukuman yang paling berat perlu diberikan kepada si pelaku

Mohon kepada mana2 yang ada maklumat ataupun berada di dalam situasi yang sama tentang perkara yang menyesatkan sebegini untuk jangan takut maklumkan pada pihak berkuasa

Kita mohon juga pada pihak berkuasa untuk rempuh dan siasat di setiap cawangan mereka dan pastikan perkara ini tidak berlaku di tempat lain juga

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DETRACTORS are asking rightist UMNO Youth chief Datuk Muhamad Akmal Saleh who was yesterday (Sept 11) slapped with a
RM25 mil defamatory suit by DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok why he is keeping mum on the cops’ shocking revelation of massive sodomy and abuse in welfare homes allegedly linked to the Global Ikhwan Group.

Unlike the hues and cries which led Kok – the six-term Seputeh MP – being subjected to investigation for 3R incitement, they also questioned why PAS and Bersatu are equally silent over the rescue of 402 children following raids on children’s homes said to be run by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd (GISB) which was formed in 2010 from remnants of Islamic sect, the Arqam Group.

Isn’t the exposé by Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Razarudin Husain of 201 boys and 201 girls aged between one and 17 years rescued from children’s homes in Selangor and Negri Sembilan a much bigger if not sickening piece of news compared to Kok’s constructive objection of the proposed mandatory halal certification proposal on pork/alcohol-free eateries by JAKIM?

In fact, the police operation known as “Op Global” which took place between 6am and 11am yesterday (Sept 11) also entailed the arrest of 66 men and 105 women aged 17 to 64 who served as caretakers, religious teachers and chairpersons of the homes.

“Children and religious sentiments were exploited to solicit donations with the perpetrators even claiming to perform Islamic treatments while inappropriately touching the victims,” the Malay Mail reported Razarudin’s revelation.

Preliminary police investigations also revealed that these children are not orphans. Many were placed in these homes as infants with their parent’s knowledge and subjected to indoctrination under the guise of religious education, a practice the country’s top cop condemned as harmful.

Back to Akmal, many seemingly sensible Pakatan Harapan (PH) backers are reminding him not to take Kok’s legal action easily for DAP “has a clean track record in filing defamatory suits”.

“Did you say the same to your biological brother when he sued you, @drakmalsaleh,” asked a Malay netizen. “The problem is ~ you lost! So, it’s OK for not being afraid. Win or lose is what matters. @teresakok should just proceed.”

For the record, the Melaka Sessions Court has ordered the Russia-trained medical doctor who is also the Merlimau state assemblyman to pay RM45,000 in damages to his elder brother Dr Solehin Saleh after finding him liable for defamation.

In the claim, Solehin said his brother had in a Facebook post on Aug 26, 2022, libelled him by describing him as an individual in debt and claiming he had maliciously posted negative comments about the Melaka state EXCO for Rural Development, Agriculture and Food Security using a fake account. – Sept 12, 2024

1 comment:

  1. Akmal is focused only on fighting "external threats to Ilsam" in Malaysia.

    Any wrong-doing within or between Muslims are ignored.

    It's the same way hundreds.of thousands of Syrian Muslim civilians have been butchered by fellow Muslim Assad regime troops, but it is not an issue that anyone gets to jump up and down like a monkey.

    It is NOT Genocide if the slaughter is carried out by fellow Muslim troops.
