
Friday, September 13, 2024

Minister: Can we term massive floods in Kelantan divine retribution?

Minister: Can we term massive floods in Kelantan divine retribution?

Published: Sep 13, 2024 5:59 PM

Citing the Noachian flood, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha Mustafa asked if it would be appropriate to describe the floods in Kelantan as “divine retribution” as well.

“The Surah Al-Ankabut which the PAS Youth (delegate Mohd Sharif Mohd Azhari) quoted contains numerous stories, among them is the great flood during the time of Nabi Nuh (Prophet Noah).

“So is it appropriate to say the massive floods in Kelantan before was retribution from Allah for the wrongs of PAS leaders in the state?

“If calamities occur to them (where PAS governs), it is called a test, but if it happens in other states, it is termed as retribution,” she added.

Sharif, a delegate from Machang PAS division’s youth wing, had claimed that the sinkhole incident in Kuala Lumpur was divine retribution.

Be more constructive

Zaliha urged PAS to learn how to become a more constructive opposition instead of using religion as a tool.

“I wish to also remind (PAS) to argue using the truth, need to read more and look for facts. Ignorant arguments reveal our ignorance as well,” she added.

As for the documentary on KLCC which was cited, Zaliha said the construction of the twin towers is still considered a “case study” on how technology can be used to build on “soft soil.”

The Jalan Masjid India sinkhole

“So this is an achievement in the world of construction and it happened in Malaysia,” she added.

The PAS Youth delegate had claimed he obtained information from a National Geographic documentary about the construction of KLCC.

“I saw on National Geographic that during the initial stages, there was a part where KLCC should not have been built,” he said.

Earlier, Bangi MP Syahredzan Johan also censured the PAS delegate for “crossing the line” in roping DAP into the argument.

“None should capitalise on the sinkhole tragedy or any other tragedy to attack political rivals.

“As a young politician, the delegate should bring a new form of politics to compete and serve as a check and balance to the government.

“Unfortunately, PAS has again proven that they are trapped in polemics as well as antiquated and extremist rhetoric,” he said on X.

This was in response to the delegate stating that the “evil deeds” of DAP must be curtailed.

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