
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Chinese speaking Chinese causes Malays to 'buruk sangka': PAS No 2

Chinese speaking Chinese causes Malays to 'buruk sangka': PAS No 2

Published: Sep 12, 2024 2:12 PM

PAS MUKTAMAR | PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man believes distrust is a major cause of divisions between the races in Malaysia.

He also believes that one factor that causes distrust is language, specifically vernacular languages that, according to him, cause Malays to think negatively of others.

“One factor causing suspicions is language, so we must make Bahasa Malaysia the intermediary language.

“If each race speaks their own language, there will be buruk sangka (bad assumptions), because ‘I don’t understand what they’re saying’.

“When Chinese speak Chinese, Malays don’t understand so there will be bad assumptions. (The same goes when) Indians speak Indian,” he said at a press conference after officiating the 65th PAS Youth Muktamar in Kerdau, Temerloh, last night.

Comprehensive review

Tuan Ibrahim believed that if everyone spoke one language, it would reduce instances of bad assumptions.

PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (centre) at the launch of the PAS Youth Muktamar in Temerloh, Pahang

He added there needed to be a comprehensive review of how Malaysians live from young, including schools, housing, and activities.

He claimed that even in rukun tetangga (neighbourhood watches) there are racial divides.

“Everyone loves our country, and no one wants clashes between races, religions and so on.

“That is why we (PAS) have a model (for united living), and I feel the Kelantan model can be an example,” he said.

Earlier in the press conference, Tuan Ibrahim had claimed that in Kelantan there are almost no issues of racial disunity.

He cited how non-Muslims in Kelantan are free to practise their faith, and that the tallest Buddha statue in the country is also in the state.

Win back trust

Prior to the press conference, while officiating the PAS Youth Muktamar, Tuan Ibrahim had urged the wing to work towards winning back the trust of non-Muslims.

“They (non-Muslims) were scared to get close to us because we had been demonised (by our enemies) using extreme lies.

“PAS was painted as an extremist party. The Green Wave was pictured as something dangerous to the country, something detrimental to the country’s stability and rights of others to practice their beliefs,” he had said.


  1. Yup, let's also have only one religion to eliminate any possible conflict.

    Imagine a fully Malay speaking Malaysia and only Islam being practised.

    Malaysia Boleh!

  2. The attitude behind this is PAS does not accept the basic construct of Malaysia as a multi-ethnic, muluti-religious nation.
    There is just ONE line in the Constitution which says Islam is the official religion of the Federation. But this One line is being used to justify all manner of overarching requirements
