
Friday, September 13, 2024

Child exploitation a grave concern

Child exploitation a grave concern

Bibi Sharliza
Published: Sep 13, 2024 12:30 PM

COMMENT | This week, the nation has been shaken by the distressing revelation of alleged child and youth exploitation linked to Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd (GISB).

This deeply troubling issue has ignited profound concerns about the rights and welfare of children and young people in our society.

The incident represents a jarring affront to the values of humanity and religion, which ought to protect the most vulnerable, particularly children.

Children are a sacred trust, deserving of care, protection, and a balanced education. Any form of exploitation, especially when it occurs within institutions associated with religious teachings, is particularly alarming and unacceptable.

The failure to safeguard children from exploitation constitutes a significant betrayal of our collective responsibility as a society.

Children must never be used as instruments for furthering the personal or economic interests of any party. As leaders and as a society, we bear the critical responsibility of shielding them from exploitation. Failure to fulfil this duty is a disgrace to our core values.

Children are entitled to their right to education, to grow up in a secure and positive environment, and to be free from fear, coercion, or oppression.

The discovery that premises linked to GISB were allegedly involved in exploiting children for purposes contrary to their rights and well-being is deeply disheartening. What makes this situation all the more shocking is that such exploitation has taken place under the guise of institutions which should be entrusted with educating, caring for, and protecting these young individuals.

We cannot allow any party to exploit vulnerable individuals, least of all when they misuse religion as a shield for such immoral acts.

Gratitude to cops, authorities

On behalf of Pertubuhan Generasi Aspirasi Pemimpin Wanita Malaysia, I wish to express my deepest appreciation to the Royal Malaysian Police for their diligent and effective execution of Ops Global.

Their successful rescue of 402 children and young people and the arrest of 171 individuals believed to be involved in this exploitation is a commendable achievement.

The raids on 20 GISB premises in Negeri Sembilan and other states are a significant first step in exposing these immoral activities. The hard work and dedication of our law enforcement agencies are a testament to their unwavering commitment to protecting children from exploitation.

However, I must emphasise that this is merely the beginning. We must not stop here. A more thorough investigation must proceed to ensure that every facet of this exploitation is dealt with meticulously.

I call upon the Islamic Development Department to play an active role in this investigation, particularly by ensuring that premises claiming to provide religious education or services are more strictly monitored - especially institutions involving children’s education and welfare.

There can be no compromise when it comes to the safety and well-being of children. Every premise implicated must undergo thorough and rigorous inspection to ensure there are no elements of abuse, exploitation, or religious manipulation, as has been circulating widely on social media.

It is crucial that we adopt a cautious and comprehensive approach in addressing this issue. While the raids have been conducted and individuals have been detained, the investigative process must continue with full transparency. All evidence gathered must be reviewed thoroughly and fairly.

Additionally, we must ensure that the children involved are given the necessary attention and protection throughout this process.

Focus on Negeri Sembilan and Juasseh

As the assemblyperson for the Juasseh area, I am deeply concerned about the alleged exploitation incidents involving premises in Negeri Sembilan, especially in the Kuala Pilah area. It is hoped that proactive measures will be taken to monitor and investigate the involved premises by relevant parties.

There is no room for child exploitation in Negeri Sembilan, especially in Juasseh. Therefore, our team will continue to collaborate with local authorities to ensure the welfare and safety of children in Juasseh and Kuala Pilah.

As a responsible society, we must ensure that children in this country, particularly in Negeri Sembilan, are continuously protected. At the same time, we must ensure that investigations are conducted fairly, taking into account all presented evidence.

Protect children and stop exploitation

We must ensure that children who have been victims of exploitation receive full support, including protection, education, and assistance with their mental and emotional aspects. is an NGO committed to providing counselling and legal aid to the victims and their families. We will work with authorities and relevant organisations to ensure these children receive the necessary help to recover from this trauma.

We must act together to focus aid on victims. We also hope that the Human Rights Commission will be actively involved in monitoring the investigation process, examining the root causes of the increase in child exploitation cases linked to religious institutions, and providing recommendations to the government to ensure that all children’s rights are protected and justice is upheld.

Furthermore, we urge the immediate emphasis on implementing comprehensive sexuality education for our children regarding safe and unsafe touch. This includes educating children about their rights to their bodies, the concept of bodily autonomy, and how to identify and report unsafe touch.

This education not only provides children with basic knowledge about their bodies but also protects them from potential sexual abuse threats.

Additionally, will continue to advocate for the rights of children and women to live in a safe environment free from any form of exploitation and violence. When we fail to protect our children, we fail as a nation, as a community, and as a society.

BIBI SHARLIZA is president of Pertubuhan Generasi Aspirasi Pemimpin Wanita Malaysia and Juasseh assemblyperson.

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